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The Polymer Society of Korea 2025 Spring Meeting
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44 of 138 Pages
Section Type Title Presenters Date
에코소재 부문위원회
포스터발표Poster presentation Fabrication of Closed-loop-recycle-able Bio-based Vitrimer and Application to CFRP 홍지예 (건국대학교) 2023-08-03
고분자 합성
포스터발표Poster presentation Synthesis of PVDF-Based Terpolymers and Their Piezoelectric Performances 권하진 (한국화학연구원) 2023-08-03
고분자구조 및 물성
포스터발표Poster presentation Analysis of tensile properties depending on temperature of TPU substrate film for flexible display application 김강한 (한국생산기술연구원) 2023-08-03
분자전자 부문위원회
포스터발표Poster presentation Bandgap modulation and stability improvement of double halide perovskites by dopant 이수환 (한양대학교) 2023-08-03
포스터발표Poster presentation Enhancing Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable Plastics: A Study on PLA/PHA/PBAT Ternary Blends 정민영 (경북대학교) 2023-08-03
고분자 합성
포스터발표Poster presentation Development of urethane coating polyisocyanate hardener using bio-mass materials 김학준 (애경케미칼(주)) 2023-08-03
포스터발표Poster presentation  Hierarchical Kenaf Fibrous Preforms for Biodegradable Composite Applications 정승오 (서울대학교) 2023-08-03
분자전자 부문위원회
포스터발표Poster presentation Two-Dimensional Dion-Jacobson Tin Halide Perovskite Transistors Based on Linear and Piperidinium A Cations  Park Wantae (POSTECH) 2023-08-03
고분자구조 및 물성
포스터발표Poster presentation Synergistic Effects of EPDM and Fumed Silica Additives in VMQ Rubber Blends 김효윤 (경북대학교) 2023-08-03
고분자구조 및 물성
포스터발표Poster presentation Rheological Behavior and Adhesive Characteristics of Acrylic PSAs: Influence of Prepolymer Viscosity and Acrylic Acid Content. 윤지원 (경북대학교) 2023-08-03
Search Result: 1374 / Total: 1374


Section Invited lectures(URL) Invited lectures Poster presentation Oral presentation Total
Exploring the Frontiers of Polymer Science and Technology: From Fundamentals to Applications (English) 11 5 0 0 16
[LOTTE Chemical Symposium] Every Step for Batteries 0 8 0 0 8
[LG Chem Symposium] Materials for Carbon Reduction: CCU & Renewable Energy 3 5 0 0 8
[KRICT Symposium] Advanced Materials Technologies of KRICT 1 7 0 0 8
Advanced Materials Technology for Next-Generation Energy Storage/Conversion 0 10 13 0 23
Current Status and Issues in Microdisplay 2 3 0 0 5
Synthesis and Application of Functional Polymer Networks 0 4 0 0 4
Polymer Synthesis: Essential Tool for Our Future 1 3 0 0 4
Soft Robotics 1 7 5 0 13
Quantum Dot-based Next-generation Display Materials/Devices 0 8 2 0 10
Advanced Functional Materials and Applications for The Future Industries (MOTIE) 6 1 5 0 12
Symposium on Future Materials (MSIT) 1 5 0 0 6
PSK-INNOX 10 4 0 0 14
Plenary Lecture 1 1 0 0 2
Polymer Synthesis 0 11 110 1 122
Functional Polymer 0 10 206 4 220
Polymer Processing/Composites/Recycling 1 9 198 8 216
Polymer Structure and Property 1 10 94 5 110
Molecular Electronics Division 4 16 184 0 204
Biomedical Polymers Division 2 17 65 0 84
Division of Colloid & Molecular Assembly 0 19 98 0 117
Eco-friendly Materials Division 7 12 22 0 41
Graduate Student Oral Session (English, Presentation Time: 15 min) 0 0 0 31 31
Graduate Student Oral Session (Korean, Presentation Time: 15 min) 0 0 0 78 78
Graduate Student Oral Session (Discussion(I), Korean): Advanced Materials and Devices for Molecular Electronics 0 0 0 6 6
Graduate Student Oral Session (Discussion(II), Korean): Development of Biopolymers to Modulate Physiological Activity 0 0 0 6 6
Graduate Student Oral Session (Discussion(III), Korean): Design, Manufacture, and Application of Functional Self-Assembled Soft Materials 0 0 0 6 6
Total 52 175 1002 145 1374
(06242) 서울시 강남구 강남대로 354 혜천빌딩 601호 상호명:(사)한국고분자학회
TEL:82-2-568-3860, 561-5203, 569-3860 FAX:82-2-553-6938 사업자번호:220-82-00411 대표자: 김교현
Hyecheon Building(Room 601), #354, Gangnam-Daero, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul 06242, Korea

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