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2020년 추계 우수논문발표상 수상자 명단
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2020-10-08 조회수: 8334
2020년 추계 우수논문발표상 수상자 명단

[구두(영어) 부문]
발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
Asmita Banstola 계명대학교 ROS-responsive and PD-L1 Targeted Thioketal Nanoparticles Triggered Mitochondrial-mediated Apoptotic Cell Death in Melanoma Model
Kusuma Betha Cahaya Imani 부산대학교 Poloxamer for Extrusion-based 3D Printing of Hydrogels
NGUYEN MINH DUONG 한양대학교 Single-Cation Two-dimensional Formamidium Lead Halide Perovskite Films: Fabrication and Study of Optical Properties
김용민 서울시립대학교 Non-Volatile, Ultra-stretchable, Highly Transparent Ion Gels for the Next-Generation Skin-type Wearable Sensors
김종윤 DGIST Silver Fractal Dendrites for Highly Sensitive and Transparent Positive Temperature Coefficient Polyacrylate Thermistors
김진민 포항공과대학교 Emulsion-based Synthesis of Semi-permeable Protocells Composed of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-albumin Hybrid Amphiphiles
송원준 서울대학교 Versatile Soft Robotic Web Inspired by Spider Web
신이삭 한국과학기술원 Viscosification of Nanoparticle Dispersion via Modulation of the Hydrogen Bonding Mode
이지은 서울대학교 In situ Deprotection of Polymeric Binders for Solution-Processible Sulfide-based All-Solid-State Batteries
임석인 전북대학교 Crystal Engineering of Azobenzene-based Organic Dye for Paintable Metallic Luster
최후연 UNIST Sequestering ATP Inside Mitochondria by Nucleopeptide Induces Cancer Cell Apoptosis

[구두(일반) 부문]
발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
고재완 고려대학교 High-Resolution Patterning of Quantum Dots via Azide-Containing Hole Transporting Polymeric Ligand
권은혜 인천대학교 Effect of the Solubility Parameter of the Solvent on the Film-forming Behavior and Polymer Aggregation of the Conjugated Polymer 
권혁민 한양대학교 A Chemical-Receptor Functionalizable Interpenetrating Polymer Semiconductor Nano-networks for Outstanding Chemodetection with Remarkable Sensitivity, Selectivity and Recovery
김도관 한국생산기술연구원 On-demand Disposable Yet Reliable Co-citrate Based Polymer for Wearable Sensor
김민성 울산과학기술원 Peptidomimetic Antimicrobial PEGtides: A Modular Approach to Combat Bacteria
김소담 부산대학교 On-site Fabrication of Injectable Biodegradable 131I-Labeled Microgels for Local Radiotherapy
김수경 포항공과대학교 Wireless Smart Contact Lens for Diabetic Diagnosis and Therapy
김은우 충남대학교 3D Printable Alginate/Silk Fibroin Hydrogel with Enhanced Cytocompatibility and Dimensional Stability via Photocrosslinking
김진석 서울대학교 Synthesis and Characterization of Biocompatible Copolymers Containing Plant-Based Cardanol and Zwitterionic Groups for Antifouling and Bactericidal Coating Applications
류승운 POSTECH Morphology Control via Strategic Halogen Substitution Achieving High-performance Small-molecule Based Tandem Solar Cells Exceeding 15% Efficiency
박시훈 한국과학기술원 Consecutive Phase Separation of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals in Emulsion Drops for Photonic Capsules with Multiple Photonic Bandgaps
박정은 인하대학교 Magnetic Actuation of Anisotropically Designed Micropillar Arrays
손혜빈 포항공과대학교 A Dry Room-free Enabled by Functional Separator Membrane for High-current-density Lithium-ion Batteries
엄태식 인하대학교 Nanostructured Natural Melanin Composites with Tunable Multifunctional Properties
오민택 충남대학교 Conjugated Polymer Framework via Interfacial Knoevenagel Condensation: Covalent Self-Assembly from 0D Particle to 2D Film
이영준 KAIST Highly Durable Fuel Cell Catalysts Using Crosslinkable Block Copolymer-Based Carbon Particles with Ultralow Pt Loadings
장원태 한국과학기술원 High Refractive Index Polymer (n>1.9) Synthesized by the Novel Process Using Elemental Sulfur, Termed Sulfur Chemical Vapor Deposition (sCVD)
정재환 단국대학교 Synthesis of Photocurable Resins Based on Engineering Thermoplastic for Biocompatible Stereolithography 3D Printing Process
최경현 대구경북과학기술원 Mechanochemically and Electrochemically Responsive Nano-Capsules Tailored with Metal-Phenolic Complexes
최기원 한양대학교 A Highly Self-healable Elastomer Based on Urea Oligomer with Excellent Mechanical Properties and Outstanding Long-term Storage Stability
한임경 포항공과대학교 Fabrication of Cation-π Interacted Graphene Hydrogels for Highly Robust Supercapacitors
홍서화 단국대학교 Fabrication of Chemically Surface Modified Microcrystalline Cellulose Reinforced HDPE Composites and Their Mechanical Properties

209 2020 추계 학회상 수상자 언론보도(문화일보) 관리자 2020-10-13 7822
2020년 추계 우수논문발표상 수상자 명단 관리자 2020-10-08 8334
207 2020년 추계 학회상 수상자 명단 관리자 2020-09-21 7867