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2021년 추계 우수논문발표상 수상자 명단
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2021-10-29 조회수: 6894
2021년 추계 우수논문발표상 수상자 명단


부문 발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
구두(영어) 유현정 서강대학교 Tailoring Molecular Structures of Hybrid Membranes for High Performance Natural Gas Separation
구두(영어) 이경현 서울대학교 Semi-flexible Colloidal Chains Consisting of Patchy Micelles of Block Copolymers as a Nanoscale Analogue of Conventional Polymers
구두(일반) 박진영 부산대학교 A Photochemical Approach to Spatiotemporally Controlling Network Exchange Kinetics of Vitrimers
구두(일반) 이한나 단국대학교 Mechanically Durable, Superomniphobic Artificial Leather Surfaces with Biofouling-resistant Properties by Dip-coating Technique
구두(일반) 조혜미 전남대학교 Physical Exfoliation of Graphene Sheets by Nanoparticulate Polypyrrole for Capacitive Electrode Materials
구두(토론) 송상훈 경희대학교 Fluorous Dispersion Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization
구두(토론) 이상민 한양대학교 Fabrication of Composite Spheroids with Improved Diffusion Using Porous Electrospun PCL Fibers
구두(토론) 전연지 한국과학기술원 Transparent Crystalline-ITO/Ag Nanowire Electrode with Flexibility for Electronic Devices
포스터 장원태 한국과학기술원 One-step Synthesis of Sulfur-based Ultra-high Refractive Index (n > 1.97) Polymer Thin Film without Phase Separation
포스터 배성호 한국생산기술연구원 Effect of Functional Heterocyclic Surfactant on the Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable and Sustainable Bio-nanocomposite
포스터 황귀원 성균관대학교 A Subaquatic Electronically Sensory Octopus Sucker
포스터 공태연 서울대학교 Aggregated Nanoparticle Induced Mechanical Reinforcement in Polymer Nanocomposites with Bimodal Molecular Weight Distribution
포스터 홍평화 한국생산기술연구원 A Flexible Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Nanocomposite Film Based on Cellulose Nanofiber and Graphene Nano Plate
포스터 박소현 연세대학교 Gelatin Microspheres with Tunable Surface Properties: Versatile Nutrient Carrier for Production of Cost-effective Cultured Meat
포스터 손종현 포항공과대학교 Development of Cactus-spine-inspired Sweat-collecting Patch for Wearable Sweat Sensor
포스터 최수비 부산대학교 Slidable Cross-linking Effect on Liquid Crystal Elastomers: Enhancement of Toughness, Shape Memory- and Self-Healing Properties
포스터 김선영 서울시립대학교 High-Performance, Reliable Electrochromic Supercapacitors Based on Copper-doped Nickel Oxide
포스터 송용권 고려대학교 Effects of Size/Functionality-Dependent Organic Ligands on the Charge Transfer of Oxide Nanoparticle-Based Electrodes
포스터 하상수 한국과학기술연구원 Pluronic F127/Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Includes Fibroblast-Derived Matrix for Therapeutic Angiogenesis
포스터 김유진 포항공과대학교 Patchy Colloidal Clusters with Broken Symmetry
포스터 박진우 울산과학기술원 Superaerophobic Hydrogels Application for Enhancement of Hydrogen Production Performances of Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Reaction

[구두(영문) 부문]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
김성찬 성균관대학교 Artificial Stimuli-Response System Capable of Conscious Response 
김영식 성균관대학교 Single-crystalline InP Nano-tetrapod Using Surface Energy-driven Growth
안지훈 전남대학교 A Deep Learning-based Defect Detection and Inverse Design of Block Copolymer System
오솔미 울산과학기술원 An Alleviation of Initial Solvent-Driven Nonequilibrium Effect in Chemically Grafted Polymer Nanocomposites
이채규 울산과학기술원 Redox-Sensitive Polyglycerol Nanogels Stimulate the Photo-Responsive Cytotoxicity of a Ir(III) Complex
조승연 연세대학교 Symmetry-Breaking of Gyroid Structures in PS-b-PMMA Films by Non-affine Distortion

[구두(일반) 부문]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
고혜인 한국과학기술연구원 Interfacial Control between Polymeric Binder and Ni-rich Cathode of Lithium-ion Battery via Plasma-assisted Mechanochemistry
김병기 중앙대학교 Silver-Incorporated Carbon Quantum Dots with Downshifted Workfunction for Efficient Perovskite Hole Extraction
오인혁 중앙대학교 Hydrophobic Barrier Assisted Formation of Metal Electrodes within a Single Layer of Paper for Highly Efficient Flexible Supercapacitor
유예지 연세대학교 Organocatalyzed Synthesis and Degradation of Functionalized Poly(4-Allyloxymethyl-β-Propiolactone)s
인치훈 한양대학교 Bionic Synaptic Tactile Transistor Based on Piezo-modulated Ion Dynamics
정승엽 충남대학교 Polyamide Thin Film Composites with Nanochanneled Structure for Desalination
최문현 연세대학교 High Durable and Protective Polyurethane Coatings for Safeguarding against Infectious Agents

[구두(토론) 부문]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
권진한 서울시립대학교 Porous Ion Gel: A Versatile Ionotronic Sensory Platform for High-Performance, Wearable Ionoskins with Electrical and Optical Dual-Output
김연정 인천대학교 Zinc Ion-releasing Gelatin-based Hydrogels via Zinc Peroxide-mediated Crosslinking Reaction
김종현 한국과학기술원 Microfluidic Production of Elastic Photonic Microbeads with Enhanced Color Saturation
송지훈 성균관대학교 Novel Biodegradable pH-Sensitive Polymer for Extracellular Matrix-enriched Stem Cells Delivery
이상엽 고려대학교 Experiment-inspired Computational Simulation for Complex Self-assembled Structures
이재완 KU-KIST 융합대학원 PD-L1-Targeted Doxorubicin Delivery Using Glycol Chitosan Nanoparticles for Synergistic Cancer Chemoimmunotherapy
장새봄 인하대학교 Channel-Free Control of Eutectic Gallium-Indium Droplets by Magnetically Active Microwall Arrays
정다현 한국과학기술원 Flexible-Spacer Incorporated Polymer Donors For High-Performance and Mechanically-Robust Polymer Solar Cells
한지민 건국대학교 Rational Molecular Design of Electrochromic Conjugated Polymers toward High-Performance and Redox Stability
황준호 광주과학기술원 Real-time Imaging of Nanostructural Transformation of Photo-crosslinking Peptides in Aqueous Solution

[포스터 부문]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
Tanum Junjira 연세대학교 Fabrication of a High-Efficiency Virus Captures Fabric via the in situ of ZIF-8 Generation onto the Surface
김경욱 포항공과대학교 Ice-templated Conducting Polymers: The Role of Crystallinity of Ice Surface
김도현 울산과학기술원 Overcoming Low Selectivity with CAIX-targeting Amphiphilic Peptide Inducing Cell Death
김동준 한양대학교 Biocompatible Iontrode Neurostimulator for Highly Stable Neuromodulation
김동혁 서울과학기술대학교 Eco-Friendly Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Water-Electrolytes and Chlorophyll
김민경 부산대학교 Fabrication Process of CFRP with Anisotropic Conductivity
김민수 중앙대학교 Reversed Surface Morphology of Photoelectric Conversion Layer via Adhesion Optimized Decal-Coating for efficient Multi-Functional Organic
김민아 한국과학기술연구원 Surface Modified MXene via Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition (iCVD) for Aptamer-based Biosensor 
김민진 전남대학교 Luminescent Characteristics of Transparent Carbon Dot/Epoxy Composites
김상아 성균관대학교 Colloidal Supraballs of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles as Bioresorbable Adhesives for Hydrogels
김서연 전북대학교 Soft Magnetic Circuit Boards with Enhanced Water Repellency Using Liquid Metal Ferrofluid Core-Shell Particles
김진오 한국과학기술원 Large-area Synthesis of Conductive MOF Film Using Microfluidic-based Solution Shearing
김진우 한국과학기술원 Photoswitchable Surfactant-Driven Reversible Shape- and Color-Changing Block Copolymer Particles
김채련 울산대학교 Octopus-Inspired Adhesive Patches for Bio-signal Monitoring
김호연 중앙대학교 Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)/Polydimethylsiloxane Composites for Solar Evaporator
노진경 서울대학교 Ultrasonication of Brush Polymers: Influence of Grafting Density on Mechanochemical Reactivity
박시훈 한국과학기술원 Pairing of Distinct Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Drops for Efficient Photonic Cross-communication
박지혜 연세대학교 Solvent-Free Mechanochemical Post-Polymerization Modification of Ionic Polymers
방준식 서울대학교 Preparation of Biodegradable Polybutylene Succinate Nanofiber through Solution Blown Spinning for Oil-Water Separation
배석영 서울대학교 Morphology Transformation of Block Copolymer Surface Micelles through Solvent Immersion
배재희 부산대학교 Reprogrammable Photoresponsive Liquid Crystal Elastomers Incorporating Thiourea Bonds
서보은 아주대학교 Optimized Selection of Dopant Solvents for Improving the Sequential Doping Efficiency of Conjugated Polymers
송광호 서강대학교 산학협력단 A Drying-induced Hysteresis of Polymer Network Swelling
송다윤 이화여자대학교 Near-Infrared-to-Blue Photon Upconversion from an Ion Pair of Sensitizer and Annihilator
송예은 전남대학교 Investigation of the Microstructure of Cellulose-based Hydrogels with Metal-carboxylate Coordination Bonding by Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear (LAOS) Tests
시닌타 한국과학기술연구원 Macrophage-mediated Conditioned Media Delivered by Alginate Patch Enhances Skin Wound Healing
신서영 전남대학교 Nanostructure-Assisted Solvent Vapor Annealing of Conjugated Polymer Thin Films for Enhanced Sensing Performance of Volatile Organic Compound Sensors
신소정 아주대학교 Interfacial Layer Control of Perovskite Solar Cells to Achieve High Efficiency in Low-Light Environments
안교진 포항공과대학교 Fabrication of Poly(Hydroxyethyl acrylate-co-Methyl methacrylate)/Laponite Hydrogels with Outstanding Mechanical, Electrical, and Anti-freezing Properties
안정만 한양대학교 Dual Padlock GLP1 Gene Delivery System to Treat Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: One-week Glucose Level Control with a Single Dose
양기준 인하대학교 Effects of Magnetic and Viscous Torques on Underwater Swimming of Magnetic Soft Robots
양동성 광주과학기술원 Study of Conjugated Polymer Sorted Semiconductin Carbon Nanotube Network Field Effect Transistors (CNTFETs) Doped with Halogen Anions
오윤진 한국과학기술원 Thermochromic Microcapsules Containing Cholesteric Liquid Crystals for Temperature Monitoring at Microenvironment
오준용 울산과학기술원 Antibody Plug-and-Playable Drug Platform Based on Protein Coated Nanoparticle for Targeted delivery
위유문 전북대학교 Dynamic Reversible Wrinkles Enabled by Multiple Stimuli on Polymeric Bilayer System
유영준 숭실대학교 손상 감지-치유가 가능한 발광성 이중동적결합 초분자 네트워크
유진 한국과학기술원 Synthesis of a Superhydrophobic and Stretchable Polymer Thin Film
이동근 한양대학교 Anisotropic Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Highly Aligned Aramid Nanofiber-reinforced Nanocomposites
이소연 숭실대학교 Crystallization Behavior of Naproxen in Some Polymer Matrices
이수연 부산대학교 Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Aerogel/Polyamide 6 Composites with Structural Stability via Reactive in-situ Polymerization
이준범 고려대학교 Preparation of the Biocompatible and Injectable Polydimethylsiloxane Microfiller Using Zwitterionic Macromolecules
이창재 한국과학기술원 Tensile and Frictional Tuning of Liquid Crystal Polymer Network by Mesogenic Unit Patterning
이충열 한국과학기술원 Systematic Control of Negative Transconductance in Organic Heterojunction Transistor for High-performance, Low-power Flexible Ternary Logic Circuits
장준호 포항공과대학교 Unexpected Enormous Triboelectric Power Increase by Photo-crosslinking of Thermoplastic Film
장준호 한국과학기술원 Perovskite Nanoparticle-Siloxane Hybrid Enabling High-Performance, Long-Term Stable, and Biocompatible Color Converting Layer in Display Application
정주현 단국대학교 Manufacture of Fungal Antiadhesion Fabrics by Spray Coating: Improving Hygiene and Sanitation Safety through Nanoparticle-based Surface Energy Control
조완수 디지스트 Vitrimer-CNT Composites for Highly Sensitive Temperature-Resistance Sensor
지유진 연세대학교 Non-invasive and Multi-functional Biosensing of Salivary Oncology Markers on a Biocompatible 3D-printed Platform
최경현 대구경북과학기술원 Electro-Mechano-Chemically Responsive Molecular Gatekeepers and Gel Composites for Controlled Guest Release
최승희 이화여자대학교 Degradation Mechanism of Hyperfluorescence Organic Light-Emitting Devices
한임경 포항공과대학교 Fabrication of Zwitterionic Imidazolium-based Graphene Hydrogels Through Microwave Irradiation
황순혁 서울대학교 Powerful Direct C−H Amidation Polymerization to Give Single-Fluorophore-Based White-Light-Emitting Polysulfonamides by Fine-Tuning Hydrogen-Bond

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