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2023년 춘계 우수논문발표상 수상자 명단
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2023-04-12 조회수: 2453
2023년 춘계 우수논문발표상 수상자 명단


부문 발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
구두(토론) 박정연 고려대학교 Tamoxifen-selective Fluorescent Nanomaterials via Self-assembly Driven by the Structural Similarity of Tetraphenylethlyene Derivatives
구두(토론) 유경수 서울시립대학교 High-voltage pulse-assisted operation of single-layer electrochromic systems for high performance and reliability
구두(토론) 이한나 한국과학기술연구원 Chiroptical neuromorphic phototransistor based on self-assembled nano-helix of π-conjugated diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) organogelator 
구두(영어) 이미래 연세대학교 Assembly of the Biopolymer-based Scaffolds to Produce an Engineered Meat
구두(영어) 이찬우 한국과학기술연구원 Enhancing electrochemical CO2 reduction performance through surface modification of Ag catalyst with styrene-based ionomers
구두(일반) 김도현 울산과학기술원 New Paradigm of anti-Aging with Self-Assembled Senolytic via the Intracellular Oligomerization
구두(일반) 김유리 고려대학교 Dynamic manipulation of ligand availability for immunoregulation of macrophages
구두(일반) 이다빈 중앙대학교 Preservation 3D Nanoporous Structure of Pectin via Hydrogen Bonding with Hydrophobic Alcohols during Ambient Evaporation Process.
구두(일반) 천수민 포항공과대학교 Microwave-assisted, quick and reversible wettability control of 3D porous graphene networks 
구두(일반) 한지훈 포항공과대학교 Bridge-rich and loop-less hydrogel networks through suppressed micellization of multiblock polyelectrolytes 
포스터 권혁민 한양대학교 Memory-augmented synaptic transistor based on mechano-sensitive ion dynamics
포스터 김보경 한양대학교 Ionically Conductive Wound Healing Patch for Anti-Inflammatory Electrical Stimulation Therapy 
포스터 김성수 한양대학교 The PPFS/Sulfur-rich Polymer Blend Using Phase Separation Strategy for the Synthesis of eco-Friendly Negative Triboelectric Materials
포스터 김철호 서강대학교 Fabrication of Multiscale Porous Carbon Thin Film electrodes Using Semiconductor Process
포스터 박수혜 경희대학교 Effect of Linker Structure on the Refractive Index of Sulfur-Containing Thermoplastics
포스터 박용진 울산과학기술원 Multi-Layered Triboelectric Nanogenerator as an Artificial Synaptic Device for Human-Machine Interface
포스터 성정호 서강대학교 Mixed Matrix Membranes-Containing Multivariate Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks for C2H4/C2H6 Kinetic Separation
포스터 윤지원 한국과학기술원 Designing Plasmonic Janus Microgels for Charge-selective SERS-Based Detection of Target Molecules in Pristine Samples 
포스터 이민종 포항공과대학교 Membrane receptor-mimicking hybrid biopolymers for binding tolerance of viral variants 
포스터 이은진 한양대학교 Spheroids-laden hydrogel with spatially confined delivery of signaling molecules for engineering 3D complex tissue
포스터 이준민 중앙대학교 Defect-Covered Perovskite Optoelectronics via Tailoring PDI-derivative Interface for Optimized Current Generation under Various Illumination 
포스터 이환영 한국과학기술원 Elastic Photonic Crystals embedded in Auxetic pattern for Ultrasensitive Mechanochromism 
포스터 임석인 전북대학교 Viewing Angle Independent Corrugated Chirophotonic Film with Micro-Wrinkle Replication
포스터 임철희 한국과학기술원 Intrinsically-Stretchable and Non-Halogenated Solvent Processed Polymer Solar Cells Enabled by Hydrophilic Flexible Spacer-Incorporated Polymers 
포스터 정성원 연세대학교 Nitric oxide-mediated mucus-walking zwitterionic polymer nanocomplex for relief of acute respiratory distress syndrome
포스터 최경환 부산대학교 Simple and Eco-Friendly Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Manufacturing Method by using Organic Eutectic Liquid

[코스맥스 우수논문발표상]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
양세희 한국과학기술원 Designing Photonic Microcapsules with Primary and Secondary Structural Colors
이수진 충남대학교 Eco-friendly polyphenol-based sunscreens with excellent UV blocking performance
추진옥 대구한의대학교 Capsule-based Customizable Colorimetric Temperature Monitoring Sensor for Easy Management of Cold Chain Breach

[우수논문발표상: 구두(영어) 부문]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
Mani Dineshkumar Korea National University of Transportation Anisotropically Aligned Graphene Nanoplatelets in Polyurethane Films for Excellent In-plane Thermal Conductivity and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding
김유진 포항공과대학교 Symmetric and asymmetric colloidal clusters by colloidal fusion
변진환 광주과학기술원 Acetal-Functionalized Indacenodithiophene (IDT): Controlling the Position of a Lewis Acidic Dopant for Improved Thermoelectricity 
정혜우 한양대학교 Hydrogels with Multi-functional Tannic Acid-Magnesium Nanoparticles for Osteoimmunomodulation and Vascularization

[우수논문발표상: 구두(일반) 부문]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
김지홍 한양대학교 Wireless Biosignals Monitoring Platform with Piezo-Driven Ion Dynamics in Tissue-Adaptive Bionogel 
김진영 중앙대학교 One-Pot Synthesis Design for High-Purity CsPbClBr2 Blue Light-Emitting Perovskite Quantum Dot 
민지우 포항공과대학교 Carrier mobility-carrier density dependence of highly doped conjugated polymers with different molecular orderings
오승환 홍익대학교 UCST Behavior of Guanidinium-Containing Polyelectrolyte Solutions: Thermodynamic Study
윤여명 부산대학교 UV Responsive Solid Covalent Adaptable Network for Room Temperature Repairing 
이수현 성균관대학교 Demonstration of correlation between Debye-Stokes-Einstein breakdown and dynamics characteristics of polymer near the glass transition temperature
이호준 포항공과대학교 Stabilizing network structures of block copolymers by end-group and linker chemistry
최윤영 KIST Rapid detection of COVID-19 in human nasopharyngeal swap specimen with polymer-assisted nucleic acid extraction and digital PCR

[우수논문발표상: 포스터 부문]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
En Trinh Thi Kyungpook National University Liquid crystalline epoxy vitrimer: design, synthesis, and properties
Hong Diem Chau 고려대학교 How we can improve the thermal stability of polymer solar cell performance: "Photocrosslinkable Conjugated Polymer" 
구자현 전북대학교 Advanced Optical Information Storage Inks from Cyanostilbene-Based Liquid Crystal Monomers
김민지 부산대학교 A Facile Synthesis of Cyclic Macromonomer via Sulfoxide-based Vinyl Protection
김용민 서울시립대학교 Unveiling the Ultrafast Self-healability of Ionoconductor via Ionic Cluster Formation for Electronic Applications
김태현 연세대학교 Dendrimer-like porous hybrid particles for cancer immunotherapy
류정욱 서강대학교 Sustainable Gas Separation Membranes: Biopolymer and Green Solvent
박신근 세종대학교 Sensor applications using carbon photonic ball 
박준용 중앙대학교 Super-adhesive biomimetic air filter using liquid thin films
박진혁 충남대학교 MXene/Ni-coated PET Fabrics with High Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Performance and Flexibility
백정우 광주과학기술원 Induced chiroptical properties to achiral DPP-based conjugated polymer by blending chiral small molecules
변지윤 포항공과대학교 Directly and site-selectively modifying a native protein with electrophile ligand-tagged nucleic acid biopolymers 
서민영 충남대학교 Fabrication and Characterization of Piezoelectric Hybrid Nanocomposite Films Based on Anionic Waterborne Polyurethane, Barium Titanate, and Boron Nitride Nanosheet
심원미 중앙대학교 Evaporation Driven Polymer Particle Synthesis by Controlled Dewetting on Micro-Wetting Patterns
윤지우 연세대학교 Coordinative Double Hydrophilic Polyether Micelle for Controlled Delivery of Cisplatin
이건오 충남대학교 Parylene-modified ePTFE scaffold for enhancing PEMFC performance
이경석 경상국립대학교 Deep Red to Near-Infrared Emitting Materials for Biomedical Application
이은정 충남대학교 Antifouling coatings through Zr(Ⅳ)-mediated coordination of zwitterionic materials
이주혁 포항공과대학교 High-k Dielectric with Bis-acetylacetonate Azide-crosslinker for High-performance Solution-processed Oxide Transistors 
이채연 서강대학교 Analysis of thin film through crosslinking of non-reactive polymers using peroxides
장세윤 한국과학기술연구원, 경희대학교 Development of a superhydrophilic surface for antifouling and antithrombotic properties via layer-by-layer deposition
장혜인 경희대학교 Transformation of Block Copolymer Micelles to Compound Micelles Driven by Photo-induced Decarbonylation
정건영 울산과학기술원 MXene Thermoacoustic Loudspeaker for Directivity-Tunable Sound Generation
정해진 대구경북과학기술원 Inkjet Printing-based Melanin-like Pigment Fabrication for Photothermal Cell Ablation 
조일영 광주과학기술원 Vertically Stacked Hybrid Active Channels for Ambipolar Electrochemical Transistors
채윤미 한국화학연구원 Recyclable Bio-based Vitrimer for Digital Light Processing 4D Printing
최광훈 한국과학기술연구원 Fibriform Organic Electrochemical Diodes for Logical Operation and Transient Voltage Suppression Functions of Wearable E-textile Integrated Circuits
최지은 울산과학기술원 Catecholic polymer binder with strong underwater adhesion and electrolyte wettability for seawater battery cathodes
한경임 한국생산기술연구원 A highly transparent, colorless optical film with outstanding mechanical strength and folding reliability using mismatched charge-transfer complex intensification.
허영훈 고려대학교 3D-nanostructured electrode materials for aluminum metal anode

[토론장려상: 구두(토론) 부문]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
서원빈 부산대학교 Underwater Light-driven Linear Actuator based on Liquid Crystal Elastomer
오지혜 연세대학교 Field-effect transistor array with perovskite nanocrystals templated in self-assembled block copolymer that emulates human retina by photoreception and synaptic function 
윤희성 한국과학기술원 Controlling Liquid Crystal Boojum Defects on Fixed Microparticle Arrays via Capillarity-Assisted Particles Assembly
이경원 부산대학교 Bioprinting of stromal cells-laden artificial cornea using visible light crosslinkable bioinks
이해리 서강대학교 A Novel Method to Create Porous Structures in Polymer Carbonization
홍유빈 부산대학교 Development of Versatile Antifouling Surface Coating by Mimicking Melanogenesis

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2023년 춘계 우수논문발표상 수상자 명단 관리자 2023-04-12 2453
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