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[구인] Postdoctoral Openings
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2003-04-03 조회수: 6265
Postdoctoral positions are available immediately at the University of
Massachusetts-Amherst, Polymer Science and Engineering department to work
in the field of polymer synthesis. The research project involves
synthesis, characterization, and study of designer polymers with
self-assembling properties both in organic and aqueous solution.
Synthetic techniques to be employed include controlled radical, ring
opening, and condensation polymerizations. The work will be conducted in
the Conte Research Center on Polymers at UMass. Successful candidates
will be expected to interact extensively with other group members and
contribute to the scientific progress of their project as well as others
in the group. The project is more synthetically intensive that many
traditional polymer projects and so candidates should be well trained in
organic and synthetic polymer chemistry. Those with strong backgrounds in
synthesis and materials characterization are encouraged to apply. Please
send CV, publication list, and names of three references to
[email protected], PDF attachments are preferred.

28 [구인] 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 생체재료연구실 석/박사 과정 장학생 모집 관리자 2003-04-15 6760
[구인] Postdoctoral Openings 관리자 2003-04-03 6265
26 [구인] 한남대 화학과, 유기화학전공의 신임교수 초빙 관리자 2003-03-31 6816