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The Italy-Korea Workshop-Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine 개최안내
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2008-08-06 조회수: 7352
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The Italy-Korea Workshop-Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine

August 27th, 2008, 12:00-17:30

International Cooperation Building

Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea

Organized by
Korea Institute of Science and Technology, KIST
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, GIST
Embassy of Italy - Office of Science and Technology
Council of National Research, CNR, Italy
Korea Foundation for International Cooperation of Science and Technology, KICOS

160 첨단기능성 고분자 및 자기조립형 소재 국제학술대회 (IC-PSM 2008) 관리자 2008-08-13 8997
The Italy-Korea Workshop-Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine 개최안내 관리자 2008-08-06 7352
158 대한화학회 고분자화학분과회 정례 심포지엄-안광덕 박사 회갑기념 관리자 2008-07-21 6856