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MC9 at the 42nd IUPAC Congress 개최안내
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2009-01-08 조회수: 7820
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MC9 at the 42nd IUPAC Congress
2–7 August 2009 | SECC | Glasgow | Scotland | UK

The RSC’s Materials Chemistry Conference

The ‘MC’ series has provided a showcase for developments in Materials Chemistry every two years for
almost two decades. MC9, a central feature of the 42nd IUPAC Congress, will hold symposia across the
core and latest developing areas of Materials Chemistry.

Submit an abstract for MC9
To submit an abstract for oral or
poster presentation please visit

Oral presentation abstract: 16 January 2009
Poster presentation abstract: 5 June 2009
Early bird registration: 5 June 2009
Standard registration: 3 July 2009

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