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European Polymer Congress 2009 (EPF 09)
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2009-02-10 조회수: 7914
The organizers of the European Polymer Congress 2009 would like to
remind you of the forthcoming EPF'09 taking place in July 12-17 2009, in
Graz, Austria.

The second circular is now available as pdf-file following the link
given below

The ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE is scheduled for 28th of February 2009

For detailed information, regular updates and registration please visit
the congress website:

Looking forward to seeing you in Graz!
Franz Stelzer
President of the EPF

173 Advanced Polymeric Material and Thechnology Symposium (APMT 2010) 관리자 2009-03-09 9685
European Polymer Congress 2009 (EPF 09) 관리자 2009-02-10 7914
171 제5회 아시아 사이클로덱스트린 국제학술회의 안내 (ACC09) 관리자 2009-02-02 7903