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MACRO 2010 개최 안내
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2009-10-28 조회수: 7348
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MACRO 2010
11-16 July 2010, Glasgow, UK

IUPAC World Polymer Congress: Polymer Science in the Service of Society

‘Macro2010’ is the latest in the series of the biennial meetings of the IUPAC Polymer Division. With a history spanning several decades, this is the largest international multi-symposium conference dedicated to all aspects of polymer science and engineering.


Main themes:
Delivering New Polymers for Service in Society: Advances in Polymer Chemistry (5)
Molecular to Macroscopic Behaviour of Polymers (4)
Sustainability: Renewable Resources and Environmentally-Friendly Polymers (2)
Polymers in Support of Life (4)
Functional Polymers for Electronics, Energy and Analysis (5)
Polymer Science in Everyday Life (3)
Advances in Colloidal and Nanosize Polymer Materials (2)

Special Symposia:
Young Polymer Scientists: Highlights and Awards, Nurturing and Networking (2)
Polymer Education (1)
DSM Performance Materials Symposium (1)

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