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European Polymer Congress 2011 개최 안내
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2010-10-25 조회수: 8832
You are kindly invited to participate in the next “Polymer Congress” which will be held in GRANADA , SPAIN the dates 26th June - 1st July , 2011.
This is the best opportunity to be active in one of the most attractive meetings on Polymers in 2011, covering the most relevant topics of the Polymer Science and Technology, with the confirmed participation of the most recognized plenary speakers on the different topics selected. Also you will have the opportunity to visit and discover the magic historical part of the city with legends and amazing people.
Please take note of the most important dates:
Presentation of abstracts for oral or poster, 15th January, 2011
Early registration, 15th April, 2011.

You will find more information in the web page


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