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The 2nd FAPS Polymer Congress (FAPS-PC2011)
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2010-11-10 조회수: 10733
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The 2nd FAPS Polymer Congress (FAPS-PC2011)
May 5-8, 2011, Beijing, China

FAPS Polymer Congress supported by the Federation of Asian Polymer
Societies (FAPS) is an international congress which provides an
outstanding platform for academic exchange for polymer scientist from
all over the world. Following the great success of the 1s t FAPS Polymer
Congress organized by the Society of Polymer Science, Japan on October
20th-23rd, 2009 in Nagoya, Japan, it is our great honor to organize and
hold the 2nd FAPS Polymer Congress (FAPS-PC2011) on 8th-11th May
2011 in Beijing, China. We cordially welcome you - on behalf of the
Organizing Committee - to attend the FAPS-PC2011. We will provide the
world polymer scientists with opportunities to meet and discuss most of
the updated topics in polymer science. We believe that your participation
will be a great contribution to the success of FAPS-PC2011. We wish you
an enjoyable and productive stay at the Congress in Beijing and hope that
new collaborations and friendships will result from your attendance.

Advances in Polymer Synthesis
Recent Progress in Polymer Physics
Supramolecular Polymers and Polymer Self-assembly
Bio-Related Polymers
Polymers for Photo and Electronic Applications and Clean Energy
Environmental Friendly Polymeric Materials

Date Morning Afternoon Evening
8th May Registration Reception
9th May Opening Ceremony
Plenary lecture Oral Presentation FAPS Council
10th May Oral Presentation Poster Presentation Banquet
11th May Oral Presentation Oral Presentation
The congress will have 3 plenary lectures, about 60 invited lectures and 120 oral
presentations. For detailed information of registration, abstract preparation and
submission, hotel reservation and payment, please visit the web of Congress at

223 5th Asia-Europe Symposium on Processing and Properties of Reinforced Polymers 개최 안내 관리자 2010-12-13 7483
The 2nd FAPS Polymer Congress (FAPS-PC2011) 관리자 2010-11-10 10733
221 Fourth International Indentation Workshop (IIW4) 개최 안내 관리자 2010-11-08 8574