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5th Asia-Europe Symposium on Processing and Properties of Reinforced Polymers 개최 안내
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2010-12-13 조회수: 7474
File 1: Asia Europe 5th Polymer Sympo-2011 May-Dresden.pdf Size: 125.79kB Down: 1164
5th Asia-Europe Symposium on Processing and Properties of Reinforced Polymers
[Dresden, May 29 to June 1, 2011]

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 5th Asia-Europe Symposium on Processing and Properties of Reinforced Polymers in Dresden which takes place in the tradition of successful meetings named as China-Europe Symposia.
Previous symposia were organised in Nancy, France (2004), Beijing, China (2005), Budapest, Hungary (2007), and Guilin, China (2009).
During the 4th meeting, it was decided to change the name to Asia-Europe Symposium because colleagues from other Asian countries are also interested in this symposium.
Continuing with the tradition, the 5th symposium will be organized by the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, the Technische Universität Dresden, Fraunhofer-Institute for Mechanics of Materials, Halle, and Institute of Chemistry of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.
Again the symposium is intended to be the meeting place for academic researchers and industrial experts, bringing together fundamental and application related topics. In particular, we encourage young researchers to present their work.
Most important aspects and recent developments of reinforced polymers will be covered. This includes both fundamental research and application related product developments. We hope that we can welcome you in the pleasant city of Dresden and that you will actively participate in the symposium.
• Fundamental aspects of reinforcement and matrices
• Interphases and interfaces
• Advances in polymer composites
• Functional and smart composites
• Bio-composites
• Fracture
• Manufacturing and processing
• Industrial application

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5th Asia-Europe Symposium on Processing and Properties of Reinforced Polymers 개최 안내 관리자 2010-12-13 7474
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