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[PP’2004, Dali] International Symposium on Polymer Physics
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2003-12-01 조회수: 9997
International Symposium on Polymer Physics
PP’2004, Dali
Cangshan Hotel, Dali, China
June 1-5, 2004

· Invitation
The purpose of this series of symposiums is to exchange and discuss new ideas and new findings in various areas of polymer physics. Following the outstanding success of the previous five symposiums, this symposium will be the sixth one co-organized by State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry of China, University of Akron, USA and Tohoku University, Japan. We warmly welcome polymer scientists and engineers around the world to join us and we believe that your participation will be a great contribution toward the success of PP’2004, Dali.

Homepage: http://pplas.icas.ac.cn/pp2004/

40 [Cancun 2004] XIII International Materials Research Congress 관리자 2003-12-11 10643
[PP’2004, Dali] International Symposium on Polymer Physics 관리자 2003-12-01 9997
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