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The 19th International Conference on Magnetism (ICM 2012) 초록접수 연장 안내
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2012-02-07 조회수: 8571
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Abstract Submission Deadline is extended to Feb. 14, 2012.

The ICM 2012 Organizing Committee is pleased to announce that so far, a considerable number of abstracts have been submitted from all over the world. However, in response to the request of many colleagues, the abstract submission deadline is extended by two weeks, to Feb. 14, 2012.
Please ensure that you do not miss this extended deadline to submit your abstract and attend the ICM 2012.

The ICM2012 Program Committee cordially invites you to submit abstracts for oral and/or poster presentations. All abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee and assigned to appropriate oral and/or poster sessions. If your abstract is accepted for the presentation at ICM 2012, we encourage you to submit your full manuscript for publication in JKPS (the Journal of the Korean Physical Society) or JOM (the Journal of Magnetics) by May 14, 2012.

Please note that all abstracts must be submitted online at the conference website (www.icm2012.org). If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the ICM 2012 Secretariat.

-> Abstract Submission

Major Topics at ICM 2012

1. Strongly Correlated Electron System (SCES)
(including Superconductivity/ Multiferroics)
1-1. Multiferroics
1-2. Superconductivity
1-3. Topological Insulators
1-4. Heavy Fermion Systems
1-5. Valence Fluctuations
1-6. Non-Fermi Liquids and Quantum Phase Transitions
1-7. Kondo Impurity and Kondo Lattice Systems
1-8. Theory of Strongly Correlated Matter
1-9. New Developments
2. Quantum and Classical Spin Systems
3. Magnetic Structures and Interactions
4. Magnetization Dynamics and Micromagnetics
5. Spin-Dependent Transport
6. Spin Electronics
7. Magnetic Thin Films, Particles and Nanostructures
8. Soft and Hard Magnetic Materials and their Applications
9. Novel Materials and Device Applications
10. Magnetic Recording and Memories
11. Measuring Techniques and Instrumentation
12. Industrial Applications
13. Interdisciplinary Topics

Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline February 14, 2012
• Abstract Acceptance Notice March 14, 2012
• Paper Submission Deadline May 14, 2012
• Pre-Registration Deadline June 15, 2012

We look forward to welcoming you to the beautiful city of Busan with your active participation. Please circulate this mail to your colleagues and appropriate groups that might be interested in ICM2012.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Sung-Chul Shin
Organizing Committee of ICM2012

ICM 2012 Secretariat: Tel: +82-2-557-8422, Fax: +82-2-566-6087 E-mail: [email protected]

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