작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2004-08-18 조회수: 9573 |
the 13th International Conference of Women Engineers August 28-31, 2005 Seoul, Korea Website:www.icwes13.org ICWES13, the International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists, is the 13th in the series of International Conferences begun in New York in 1964 and since held all over the world, and is a dynamic International Conference for women engineers, scientists, and researchers. It provides an opportunity for all participants to interact, exchange thoughts, ideas, and information that are pertinent to women in these fields. The theme for the 13th International Conference is "Women Engineers and Scientists: Main Force to Reshape the Future World". The Conference will hold special sessions regarding mentorship and leadership as well as special sessions for participation of women scientists and engineers from many countries. We expect the Conference can become an international contact point for women scientists and engineers in the engineering and science sector worldwide. The Conference will be held from Sunday, August 28 to Wednesday, August 31, 2005, in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. Geographically situated between China and Japan, Korea is a country with more than 5,000 years history. It has emerged from an agriculturally-based society to a high-tech driven nation. After successfully hosting the 2002 FIFA World Cup games and the 1988 Olympics, Seoul, the capital of Korea has been attracting many visitors from all over the world, who can experience both traditional and modern Korean culture. We hope you will join us in Seoul for this exciting international event. Sincerely yours, ICWES13 Chair Dr.Myung Hee Jung Organizing Committee Chair Dr. Kong-Joo Lee |
54 | KJF 2004 (일본 오키나와) 참가안내 | 관리자 | 2004-08-27 | 11552 |
▶ | the 13th International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists | 관리자 | 2004-08-18 | 9573 |
52 | “한국공업화학상” 후보자 공모 | 관리자 | 2004-08-16 | 7789 |