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2013 3rd EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2013-03-07 조회수: 6695
File 1: EPNOE_2013_2nd_Circular_21_24_October_2013.pdf Size: 164.27kB Down: 1121
EPNOE 2013 Conference: SECOND CIRCULAR: Beware of the new dates: 21-24 October 2013.
The European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence (EPNOE) and the Cellulose and Renewable Materials division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) invite you to the 3rd EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference (EPNOE 2013) that will be held in Nice, France, on October 21-24, 2013. The EPNOE 2013 conference, entitled “Polysaccharides and polysaccharide-derived products, from basic science to applications”, will offer a wide scope of the science of polysaccharides and their applications. EPNOE and ACS are expecting EPNOE 2013 to be a forum for all academic/research/industrial scientists and students dealing with polysaccharides and polysaccharide-derived products including bioplastics. The following topics will be covered at the EPNOE 2013 conference:

1. Polysaccharide isolation and characterization (algae, new crops and plants, byproducts, wastes, other sources…)
2. Biosynthesis of polysaccharides
3. Biodegradation of polysaccharides (mechanisms, products determination, efficiency), enzymology
4. Chemical modification of polysaccharides
5. Advanced physical, chemical, structural, and surface characterisation of polysaccharides
6. Nanotechnology: nano and micro- polysaccharide-based objects (production, characterisation, use)
7. Biomimetic applications of polysaccharides
8. Development of fuels based on polysaccharides
9. Polysaccharides as food ingredients
10. Polysaccharides for biomedical applications
11. Polysaccharide-based materials including films, fibers and composites
12. Bioplastics
13. Pulp and paper
14. Life Cycle Assessments- Environmental concerns –Policy – Social aspects
15. New trends on polysaccharide research and applications (session organised by PhD students and post-doctoral researchers from EPNOE partners).

A pre-conference course on "Polysaccharide-based and polysaccharide-derived Bioplastics including natural fiber-reinforced composites and thermoplastics-thermosets" will be organised on Sunday 20 October 2013, in Mines ParisTech (Sophia-Antipolis, France).

More information at: http://epnoe2013.sciencesconf.org

285 제25회 국제통계물리학회 초록 및 등록 안내 관리자 2013-03-12 6413
2013 3rd EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference 관리자 2013-03-07 6695
283 ISPAC 2013 Final Call for Papers 관리자 2013-02-26 9042