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The 13th Pacific Polymer Conference(ppc13)
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2013-04-26 조회수: 8742

The 13th Pacific Polymer Conference

Date: November 17-22,2013
Venue: Grand Hi-Lai Hotel Arena Branch, Kaohsiung
Hosts: The Polymer Society, Taipei

[PPC 2013】- Call for Abstracts

Abstract Template

Dear Colleagues:

On behalf of Scientific and Organizing committees of The 13th Pacific Polymer Conference (PPC 2013), is going to be held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan on November 17 - 22, 2013. On behalf of the Organizing Committees, it is my great honor to invite you and your colleagues to participate this exciting scientific and technological glittering occasion. Also we would like to remind you that the web site (http://www.ppc2013.tw) has been open for On-line Abstract Submission.


PPC 2013 site (www.PPC2013.tw) is now open for submission. The paper selection for oral and poster presentation will be performed by the Scientific Committee on the basis of collected abstracts.


Abstract Submission Deadline: June 30, 2013


S1. Polymer synthesis and characterization
S2. Polymer processing
S3. Organic/Inorganic hybrids and nanocomposites
S4. Functional and Self-assembled Materials
S5. Polymer structure and property
S6. Polymer surface and interface
S7. Polymer optoelectronics
S8. Polymeric biomaterials
S9. Polymer membranes for environments and energy
S10. Young polymer scientist symposium (Invitation Only)
S11. General paper
For further inquiries regarding PPC 2013, please contact the secretariat Ms. Joy Chuang at [email protected] With our kind regards,Chain-Shu Hsu

Conference Chair of PPC 13
President of the Pacific Polymer Federation (PPF) President of the Polymer Society, Taipei (PST) Vice President of National Chiao Tung University (NCTU)

Abstract Submission Key Contact
Ms. Joy Chuang
Tel: 886-2-85027087 ext.34 │ Fax: 886-2-85027025
Email: [email protected]

294 국제과학비즈니스벨트 포럼 관리자 2013-05-06 5392
The 13th Pacific Polymer Conference(ppc13) 관리자 2013-04-26 8742
292 2013년 제3차 화학기술 정책 포럼 관리자 2013-04-24 5264