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Flight Information for Attending the PPC13 in Taiwan
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2013-09-02 조회수: 6543
Flight Information for Attending the PPC13 in Taiwan

We were just informed that there will be direct flights from Seoul to
Kaohsiung by EVA Airways (http://www.evaair.com/). These flights might be
convenient for many professors and students from Korea to attend the PPC13.

Days in a Week: Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Thursday, Sunday.
Kaohsiung to Seoul: Flight #: BR172, 16:20-20:10 Seoul to Kaohsiung: Flight
# BR171, 21:10-23:10

309 2013년 제13회 화학산업진흥심포지움 관리자 2013-09-03 6504
Flight Information for Attending the PPC13 in Taiwan 관리자 2013-09-02 6543
306 [STEPI] 제364회 과학기술정책포럼 개최 관리자 2013-08-19 6987