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MACRO 2014
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2013-12-05 조회수: 7246






There is only a few month that you could join us by 

submitting your abstract to MACRO 2014  


MACRO2014 has granted a limited budget for supporting “exclusively for STUDENTS” from scientifically emerging regions in ASIA, AFRICA, and SOUTH AMERICA in 2 categories

Category 1: IUPAC-sponsored financial support for travel/accommodation (not valid for Thai students)

Category 2: MACRO 2014-sponsored financial support for registration fee

Please click here for more information 







323 <제38회 석유화학강좌 안내> 관리자 2013-12-06 5145
MACRO 2014 관리자 2013-12-05 7246
320 IAC 2014 관리자 2013-11-26 7216