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작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2014-11-20 조회수: 7890

2015 6 7() ? 11 ()까지 PPS-31(The 31st International Conference of the POLYMER PROCESSING SOCIETY) 국제 학술대회가 제주국제컨벤션센터 (ICC Jeju)에서 개최됩니다.

2014 12 31일까지 Short Abstract(2,000자 이내)를 접수 받고 있습니다. 많은 분들의 참여 바랍니다.


 [PPS-31 website] http://www.pps-31.com


* Important Dates

-Abstract Submission: December 31, 2014

-Acceptance Notification: January 31, 2015

-Early Registration: March 31, 2015

-Extended Abstract & Conference Paper Submission: March 31, 2015


* Short Abstract Submission
아래 페이지에서 Online Submission을 클릭 -> PPS 계정 (Email ID & PW) 생성 -> Add Abstract’ 메뉴를 클릭 -> 저자 입력 -> 초록 내용 작성 -> 완료 (웹 페이지에 내용을 작성하시는 방식입니다.)  

* Go to Abstract Submission Page: http://www.pps-31.com/contents_page/abstract.php  


* Scientific Program (제출 분야)
A. General Sessions

G.1 Rheology and Rheometry

G.2 Extrusion

G.3 Injection Molding

G.4 Polymer Blends and Alloys

G.5 Mixing and Compounding

G.6 Morphology and Structural Development

G.7 Films and Fibers

G.8 Polymer Nanostructures & Nanocomposites

G.9 Foam

G.10 Modelling and Simulation

G.11 Polymer Composites

G.12 Rubber Processing and Technology

G.13 Advanced Polymer Materials


B. Special Symposia

S.1 Advanced Coating/Printing Technology

S.2 Advanced Electronics/Display Materials & Processing

S.3 Advanced Energy Materials and Processing

S.4 Honorary Session for Prof. Sung Chul KIM

S.5 ISAR (International Symposium on Applied Rheology)


* Plenary Speakers




Lecture Title

Kookheon CHAR

Seoul National University, Korea

Sulfur Plastics and Processing for Sustainable Growth

Kiyohito KOYAMA

Yamagata University, Japan

Polymer Melt Rheology for Better Processing Conditions


Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Fractal Structuring

Jinping Qu

South China University of Technology, China

Innovation and Development on Polymer Plasticating and Conveying Technology


University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

Lateral Ordering in Block Copolymers: Influence of Topography, Solvent and Chain Topology


-> Go to Plenary Speakers

* Registration (등록비)

( ~ 2015
3 31)

일반 등록
2015 4 1 5 31)

현장 등록

일반 등록 (PPS 회원)
만찬 포함

USD 700

USD 800

USD 900

일반 등록 (PPS 비회원)
만찬 포함

USD 795

USD 895

USD 995

학생 등록
만찬 비포함

USD 300

USD 300

USD 400

동반자 (만찬 티켓)

USD 100

USD 100

USD 100

* 등록페이지는 Acceptance Notification 후 오픈 됩니다.


* Exhibition & Advertisement (전시 및 광고): - 페이지 바로 가기 클릭

보다 자세한 사항은 행사 홈페이지를 참조하시기 바랍니다: www.pps-31.com  

[Contact] Email: info@pps-31.com  / Tel: 82-2-716-5553


369 [한국원자력연구원]2015 국제하나로심포지움 관리자 2014-12-22 5842
PPS-31 관리자 2014-11-20 7890
366 IUPAC 2015 관리자 2014-11-12 5732