작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2007-07-09 조회수: 10684 File 1: The 3rd Announcement on KIST forum and K-J DSSC workshop by Nam-Gyu Park.pdf Size: 24.27kB Down: 3103 File 2: The 3rd circular-KIST forum on Pioneers in new concept PV & Korea-Japan Joint workshop on DSSC.pdf Size: 33.01kB Down: 2216 |
The Third Announcement & Call for Papers (Poster presentations) The 1st KIST Forum on Pioneers in New Concept Solar Cells & The 2nd Korea--Japan Bilateral Workshop on Dye--sensitized and Organic Solar Cell August 30-31, 2007 Johnson Auditorium and Convention Hall Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, Korea Invitation You are cordially invited to participate in the The 1st KIST Forum on Pioneers in New Concept Solar Cells & The 2nd Korea-Japan Bilateral Workshop on Dye-sensitized and Organic Solar Cell which will be held on August 30-31, 2007, at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, Korea. The workshop will be devoted to discuss New Science and Technology for New Concept Solar Cells, Dye-sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC) and Organic Photovoltaics (OPV). We look forward to welcoming and meeting you in Seoul on the special occasion. Nam-Gyu Park (KIST) Organizing committee Nam-Gyu Park (Chair, KIST, Korea) Junkyung. Kim (KIST, Korea) Dong Young Kim (KIST, Korea) Kyungkon Kim (KIST, Korea) Jai Kyeong Kim (KIST, Korea) Il-Do Kim (KIST, Korea) Byoung Koun Min (KIST, Korea) Sung-Yeon Jang (KIST, Korea) Unyong Jeong (Yonsei U., Korea) Wan In Lee (Inha U., Korea) Yu Ju Shin (Catholic U., Korea) Hironori Arakawa (Tokyo U. Science, Japan) Shuzi Hayase (Kyushu Inst. Tech., Japan) Shozo Yanagida (Osaka U., Japan) Susumu Yoshikawa(Kyoto U., Japan) Tsutomu Miyasaka (Toin Yokohama U. Japan) Sponsor Ministry of Science and Technology Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy The Polymer Society of Korea Companies Scientific Program Part I (August 30th (Thu)) One-dayForum The 1st KIST Forum on Pioneers in New Concept Solar Cells About 5 invited presentations will be scheduled. Prof. Michael Graetzel (EPFL, Switzerland), Dr. Arthur Frank (NREL, USA), Prof. Antonio Marti (Institute of Solar Energy University Politech, Spain), Dr. Matt Beard (NREL, USA) and ( ) will give oral presentations and discuss about feasibility of new concept solar cells with theoretically super-high efficiency Part II (August 31st (Fri)) One-day workshop The2nd Korea-Japan Bilateral Workshop on Dye-sensitized and Organic Solar Cells 4-6 distinguished Japanese scientists and 8-9 distinguished Korean scientists will talk about recent progress on DSSC and OPV researches as well as the special plenary lecture by Prof. Michael Graetzel (EPFL, Switzerland) and Dr. Arthur Frank (NREL, USA). Prof. Shozo Yanagida, Prof. Tsutomu Miyasaka, Prof. Susumu Yoshikawa, Dr. Takayuki Kitamura, Dr. Higuchi, Prof. Hiramoto (Japan) will agree to give oral presentations from Japanese side, and Prof. Kang-Jin Kim, Prof. Yong Soo Kang, Prof. Seung-Hwan Han, Dr. Nam-Gyu Park, Prof. Wan-In Lee, Dr. Dong-Young Kim, Dr. Kyungkon Kim, Prof. Jaejung Ko, Dr. Ji-Won Lee, Prof. O Bong Yang will agree to give oral presentations from Korean side. A few more invited speakers are under contact and will give oral presentations. Poster presentations on DSSC and OPV will be expected from both Korea and Japan. Call for papers for poster presentation Contributed papers for poster presentation at PART II Korea-Japan Bilateral Workshop will be accepted. Abstracts will be two-page in A4 format. Deadline of abstract submission will be July 31st. For further information, please contact Dr. Nam-Gyu Park (e-mail: [email protected]) and Prof. H. Arakawa (e-mail: [email protected]) for Japanese participants. Guideline for the invited speakers Speakers invited to the PART I: The 1st KIST Forum on Pioneers in New Concept Solar Cells are encouraged to submit the pdf or power point files of materials to be presented. Speakers invited to the PART II: The 2nd Korea-Japan Bilateral Workshop on DSSC and OPV are recommended to submit two-page abstract in A4 format. For further information, please contact Dr. Nam-Gyu Park (e-mail: [email protected]) Registration Please contact Dr. Nam-Gyu Park (e-mail: [email protected]) by July 31st. Registration fee including banquet is KRW 150,000. Accommodation Organizing committee will take care of hotel reservation. Please contact Dr. Nam-Gyu Park (e-mail: [email protected]). Earlier contact than before July 31st is preferred Venue The workshop will be held Johnson Auditorium and Convention Hall in KIST, which is located at the north-east of Seoul, Korea. ( http://www.kist.re.kr). |
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▶ | The 1st KIST Forum on Pioneers in New Concept Solar Cells & The 2nd Korea--Japan Bilateral Workshop | 관리자 | 2007-07-09 | 10684 |
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