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The 12th Asia-Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Meeting –the Chemical Engineering
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2007-08-07 조회수: 6870
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The participation of 13 professional groups and the presence of more than 1,000 well-known experts, scholars jointly create a grand top-class professional occasion

The 12th Asia-Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Meeting –the Chemical Engineering Exhibition (Dalian, China)


Time: Aug. 4th -6th, 2008

Venue: Xinghai Exhibition Centre, Dalian, China

Organized by:
Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China
The Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering
Chinese Dalian people's government

Members of APCCHE:
Korean institute of Chemical Engineers
Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan
Thai institute of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry
Phil Institute of Chemical Engineers
Indonesian Institute of Chemical Engineers
The Institution of Engineers Singapore
Institution of Engineers, Australia/IChemE/RACI
Institution of Engineers Malaysia
The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China
Institute of Chemical Engineers, Chinese Taipei
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Institution of Chemical Engineers UK

Operated by:
Beijing Linda Display and Exhibition Company (LTD)

Register (arrangement): Aug. 2nd-3rd, 2008
Opening ceremony: 9:00 am, Aug. 4th, 2008
Academic activities and exhibition: Aug. 4th-6th, 2008
Closing ceremony and withdrawal: 16:00 pm, Aug. 6th, 2008

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