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1st International Conference on R2R Printed Electronics
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2008-02-12 조회수: 8901
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1st International Conference on R2R Printed Electronics will be held on Apr 30-May 2, 2008 in Konkuk University, SEOUL, KOREA.

This is the 1st meeting of international union for R2R printed electronics. All experts in R2R printed electronics around
the world are welcome to attend the conference to be hosted in the wonderful city of Korea. This conference devotes
to the advancement of nano/micro technologies, high technologies in specific applications, and matching technologies
related to R2R printed electronics. Proposals for special topics and sessions are welcome. The conference is open to all
the R2R printed electronics researchers from all regions of the world.

Chairmen, Kee-Hyun Shin and Reinhard Bauman

146 Hybrid Material and Processing 관리자 2008-02-27 9288
1st International Conference on R2R Printed Electronics 관리자 2008-02-12 8901
144 제12회 유기태양전지 연구회 동계 워크숍 안내 관리자 2008-02-04 7978