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Materials Challenges in Alternative & Renewable Energy(MCARE 2017)
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2016-08-25 조회수: 5845
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한국화학공학회와 미국세라믹학회가 공동으로 주최하는 “2017년 Materials Challenges
in Alternative & Renewable Energy(MCARE 2017)” 학술대회가 2017년 2월 20일(월)부터 24일(금)까지 제주도 롯데호텔에서 개최됩니다. 본 학술대회는 총 12개의 에너지관련 세션이 마련되어 있으며 매우 유익한 학술교류의 장이 될 것입니다.

- 아 래 -

May 1 ~ September 30, 2016 초록 접수
October 31, 2016 Notification of accepted abstracts
November 30, 2016 Early registration
December 31, 2016 Announcement of final program
February 13, 2017 Manuscript submission for publication in SCI journals
February 20 ~ 24, 2017 MCARE 2017 Conference 개최

Symposium 1. Materials for Solar Fuel Production and Applications
Symposium 2. Materials Challenges in Perovskite and Next Generation Solar Cells
Symposium 3. Advanced Materials for Energy Storage
Symposium 4. Thermal-to-Electrical Energy Conversion Materials and Applications
Symposium 5. Spectral Conversion Materials for Energy Applications
Symposium 6. Materials for Ultra Low Energy and Emission Vehicle
Symposium 7. Materials for Self-powered Generators and Devices Applications
Symposium 8. Critical Materials for Energy
Symposium 9. Printing Technologies for Energy Saving and Harvesting Devices
Symposium 10. Materials Challenges in Nuclear Energy
Symposium 11. Advanced Materials & Nanodevices for Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Applications
Symposium 12. Young Scientists Forum on Future Energy Materials and Devices

*별첨: MCARE 2017 안내문 1부. 끝.

433 The 1st ISNM Congress 관리자 2016-08-29 5649
Materials Challenges in Alternative & Renewable Energy(MCARE 2017) 관리자 2016-08-25 5845
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