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2022년 추계 우수논문발표상 수상자 명단
작성자 관리자  |  작성일 2022-10-14   |   조회수 4051
2022년 추계 우수논문발표상 수상자 명단


부문 발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
구두(영어) 배재희 부산대학교 Reprocessable and Reconfigurable Liquid Crystal Photoactuators Comprising Dynamic Thiourea Bonds
구두(영어) 오은성 한국과학기술원 Thermo-mechanical Properties of Conjugated Polymer Thin Films for Flexible and Stretchable Devices
구두(일반) 류한슬 서울대학교 Cascade Cyclopolymerization of 5-Ethynyl-1,8-Nonadiyne Derivatives to Synthesize Conjugated Polyacetylenes Containing Fused Bicyclic Ring Unit 
구두(일반) 이진우 한국과학기술원 Material Designs for High-Performance and Intrinsically Stretchable Organic Solar Cells 
구두(일반) 최경환 부산대학교 Eco-Friendly Eutectic Liquid for Pressure Sensitive Adhesive
구두(토론) 김동영 충남대학교 Generation of Size Controllable Amine-functionalized Silica Nanoparticles Based on Biomimetic Polyamine Complex
구두(토론) 임준형 포항공과대학교 Design of Security Platform via Holographic Metasurface with Oblique Helicoidal Liquid Crystals
구두(토론) 정우성 대구경북과학기술원 Grasping Force Measuring Device for Non-Communicating Infant
포스터 김도원 울산과학기술원 Polydiacetyelene Embedded Porous Silicon Photonic Crystals for Nerve Agent Vapors Remote Sensing
포스터 연혜미 한국과학기술연구원/고려대학교 The Role of Regioisomeric Phenacyl Esters in Regulating Photodegradation Kinetics of Polymers
포스터 최일형 광주과학기술원 Peptide Polymeric Nanotrackers for Ice Recrystallization Inhibition Activity
포스터 김윤진 서울대학교 Regenerated Cellulose Beads Containing Cationized Lignin for Precious Pd(II) Recovery
포스터 조수영 연세대학교 Eco-friendly Metal 3D Printing through Common Fruit Acid Chelation Chemistry
포스터 홍영기 건국대학교 Natural Resourced Epoxy Resin affording Chemical Recycling of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic
포스터 박범수 한국화학연구원/연세대학교 Viscoelastic and Deformation Properties of Vitrimers under the Two Catalysts System
포스터 신민중 한국과학기술원 Disorder to Order: Bilayer-folded Lamellar Mesophase Induced by Random Polymer Sequence
포스터 조정현 한국과학기술연구원 Rapid Shear-Rolling and Sequential Annealing Process for Highly Ordered, Perpendicularly Oriented Unidirectional Nano-patterns over a Large Area
포스터 김병재 성균관대학교 Strain-induced Deactivation of Internal Trap Statesenabling Near-unity Quantum Yield of Core/Shell Quantum Dots 
포스터 양쇠 중앙대학교 Functionalized Polymer Nanocomposites via Heterocyclic 1,3-Diazole for Sensitive Photodetection 
포스터 최연수 광주과학기술원 Low-Band Gap Quinoidal Conjugated Polymer as Therapeutic Material for Photothermal Therapy
포스터 구본일 한국과학기술원 Enhanced Cross-presentation via Protein Antigen-Lipid Hybrid Multilamellar Nanovesicles
포스터 이규배 연세대학교 Development of Laser-responsive Shape Memory Device for Fine Control of Intraocular Pressure in Glaucoma 
포스터 박혜원 한국과학기술원 Spontaneous Mirror Symmetry Broken Patterns for Physical Unclonable Function
포스터 정혜선 대구한의대학교 Hydrogel Microcapsules with a Thin Oil Layer for Mechano-controlled Release via Diverse Stimuli

[구두(영문) 부문]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
강용우 서울대학교 Hydrogel-based Strong and Fast Actuators by Electroosmotic Turgor Pressure 
김보미 울산과학기술원 Impact of Molecular Weight on Molecular Doping Efficiency of Conjugated Polymers and Resulting Thermoelectric Performances
김선영 서울시립대학교 Tailoring Diffusion Dynamics in Energy Storage Ionic Conductors for High-Performance, Multi-Function, Single-Layer Electrochromic Supercapacitors
이경문 한국과학기술원 Microdroplet-Mediated Radical Polymerization
이용우 포항공과대학교 Recordings of Brain Activity Using Embedded, Inkjet-printed Voltage Amplifiers Based on Organic Electrochemical Transistor

[구두(일반) 부문]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
노유진 숙명여자대학교 Self-stratifying Coatings Using Surface Energy Difference of Acrylate/Epoxy Blend
박경태 연세대학교 Development of Structured Solvation Shell of Zwitterion Nanoparticles as an Efficient Delivery Carrier of Nitric Oxide and Dexamethasone for Pulmonary Disease
신준혁 포항공과대학교 Electrically Mechanochromic Mechanism of Stretchable Photonic Organogels
이다운 한양대학교 Enhanced Ion Solvating Ability from PEG-TEG Ion-gel Polymer Electrolyte for High Conduction Solid-state Microsupercapacitors
이재성 고려대학교 Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Properties of Quaternary Ammonium Star Polymers with Different Pendant Groups
이창현 한국과학기술원 Organic Ternary Logic Circuits with Vertical Stack of Heterojunction Transistor (HTR) with Flash Memory Transistors
장두호 인천대학교 Perovskite-Functionalized Organic Gas Sensors via Polymeric Interfacial Engineering
정아름 한양대학교 Extremely Porous Aramid Nanofibrillar Separators for High-speed Rechargeable Lithium Metal Batteries
한나라 광주과학기술원 Enhanced Device Performance via Interfacial Reaction with pH- Controlled Dye Solutions in Organic Solar Cells
황종하 충남대학교 Effects of Engineered Nanoparticles in Polymer Separators for High-performance Li-ion Battery

[구두(토론) 부문]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
김소희 연세대학교 Stabilization of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Nanosheets by Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals 
송광호 서강대학교 탄성적으로 활성화된 과산화물을 이용한 비반응성 고분자의 가교구조 형 성
양한솔 한양대학교 Facile and Low-Energy Synthesis of Perovskite Quantum Dots for Optoelectronics 
이지현 동국대학교 Improving Charge Extraction for Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cell through Interfacial Engineering with Dopant-free Hole Transporting Polymer
최용우 성균관대학교 Solar Desalination with Monolithic Foams Embedded with Graphite/SnSe as Hierarchical Structure with Bimodal Pores for Autonomous Salt Rejection
최희원 서강대학교 Synthesis and Carbonization of Porous Polymer Spheres

[포스터 부문]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
ANJALI NAGAPADI PREMAN PUSAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Self-Healable Binders for High- Performance Silicon Anodes 
강성민 한국과학기술연구원 Surface Modifying Additive Platform Having Cyclic Topology
곽민아 충남대학교 Gallol-modified Chitosan Hydrogels with Self-crosslinking Capability for 3D Bioprinting
권진한 서울시립대학교 Binary Co-Gelator Strategy: Toward Highly Deformable Ionic Conductors for Wearable Ionoskins 
김남희 연세대학교 Photo-Responsive Chiral Supramolecular Polymers Based on C3- Symmetric Triphenylene Triimides 
김민지 이화여자대학교 Protic Ionic Liquids for Intrinsically Stretchable PEDOT:PSS Electrodes
김민채 충남대학교 Light-responsive Double-layer Hydrogel Soft Actuator with Fast Responsiveness and Precision Control Properties for Human-robot Interface Applications
김선규 한국화학연구원/한양 대학교 Eco-friendly and Simple Fabrication of Ultra-low Dielectric Polyimide Composites with Highly Dispersed Hollow Silica Particles
김성룡 포항공과대학교 p- and n-Type Polymeric Ionic Gels with Thermal Stability, and Operability in Ambient Environments for Stretchable Thermoelectric Generator 
김소연 단국대학교 Thermoplastic Elastomers Prepared by Renewable Resources from Lignin and n-Butanol for Applications in Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
김영경 한국과학기술연구원/ 한국과학기술원 Surfactant-assisted Boron Nitride Nanotubes Liquid Crystals for Wet-spinning of Functional Microfibers
김용주 한양대학교 A Highly Flexible Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Film With Enhanced Mechanical Properties Using Functionalized Reduced Graphene Oxide and Graphene Nanoplate
김유나 연세대학교 High Selective Graphene-based Protective Membrane with H-bonding and Size Sieving Effect for Preventing Chemical Warfare Agents
김종규 울산과학기술원 Rational Design Principle of Reversible Mechanochromic Conjugated Polydiacetylene Organogel Microstructure Using Maskless Lithography
김주리 한국과학기술원 Light-induced Fabrication of Oriented DNA Hydrogel
김태정 포항공과대학교 Piezoelectric Nanogenerator Facilitating Nitric Oxide-Mediated Opening of Blood-Brain Barrier for Non-Invasive Neural Stimulation
김하늘 단국대학교 Chemiresistive Amine Sensors Based on Functionalized P3HT/CNT Composites
김하정 성균관대학교 Microfluidic Macroemulsion Stabilization through In Situ Interfacial Coacervation of Associative Silica Nanoplatelets with Polyacrylic Acid
나현욱 서울대학교 Hydrogel-based Strong and Fast Actuators by Electroosmotic Turgor Pressure
류채영 울산과학기술원 Reversible Luminescence Change of Upconversion Nanocrystals Nanoemulsion Embedded Hydrogel Microstructures
박다인 서울과학기술대학교 Electrochemical CO2 Reduction Based on Liquid Metal Electrodes for Carbon Neutrality
박상준 홍익대학교 Effect of Charged Block Length on Complex Coacervate Core Micelle Structure 
박수정 한국생산기술연구원 Laser Direct Patterning Using Combination of Photocurable Polymer and Liquid Metal for Flexible Electrodes
박진원 한국과학기술원 Characterization of Polymeric Films by Simultaneously Measuring the Glass Transition, Crystallinity, and Order-Disorder Transition through the Restitution
배미주 한국화학연구원 Damage-Reporting and Self-Healing Performance Coating Material with a Mechanically Active Dynamic Network Polymer
보티낫린 한국재료연 구원 Plasmonic Bio-Inspired Nanoflower Decorated Polymeric Microneedle for Label-Free Intradermal Sensing Applications
안지훈 전남대학교 Simplified Polymer Representation that Enables Learning with Less
오유경 연세대학교 Porous PLGA Microspheres with Controlled NO Release for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Treatment
유문철 홍익대학교 Relaxation Dynamics of Complex Coacervate Core Hydrogel: Role of Chain-Length Assymetry
이규리 부산대학교 Reprocessable Poly(β-amino esters) Networks: Synthesis, Self- Healing, and Shape Memory Behavior
이서희 포항공과대학교 Polymer Coated Aptamer-gold Nanoconstruct Capable of ROS Scavenging and TNF Alpha Capturing for Treatment of Inflammatory Disease
이은수 성균관대학교 Synthesis of Intrinsically Thermal-crosslinkable Semiconducting Polymer Using Post-polymerization Modification
이재승 중앙대학교 Evaporation Driven Multi-Supraparticle Synthesis by Self- lubricating Colloidal Microdroplet Arrays
이창현 전남대학교 Reduction of LER in EUV Lithography Assisted by Block Copolymer Self-assembly
이혜민 한국화학연구원 Highly Reliable and Stable Carbon Nanotubes Films for Electronic Devices
임해량 포항공과대학교 Reduction of Catalyst Adsorption by the Backbone Structure of the Ionomer and the Efficiency of the Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis 
전승환 성균관대학교 Skin-Conformal Piezoelectric Patch with Hierarchically Arrayed Microsuckers Enables Physical Energy Amplification
정민정 서울대학교 Bioactivated Carbon Containing Chitin Bead for Effective Ionic Dye Removal
정성훈 고려대학교 Emitter Based on Core-shell Structure for Solution Processable Deep-blue OLED Showing Narrow EL Spectrum
정아람 부산대학교 Fabrication of High Performance Thermal Insulating Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Embedded with Hollow Glass Microsphere
조성민 서울대학교 Structure and Rheological Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites with Bimodal Silica Nanoparticles
조성은 연세대학교 Fabrication of Cotton Fabric with Aerosol Filtration and Antibacterial Properties Based on a Hierarchical Structure
조영기 아주대학교 Engineering Mechanochromic Behaviors of Colloidal Crystal Films by Melt-Shear Assembly of Core-Shell Nanoparticles
조용수 부산대학교 Stable Pickering Emulsion with High Thermal Conductivity for Thermal Paste
주지영 전북대학교 Development of Organic/Inorganic Anion Composite Membrane Based on Novel F-doped g-C3N4 with Improved Anion Conductivity and Alkaline Durability through Dense Ion Cluster Formation
채선영 부산대학교 Antioxidant Effects of Graphene-based Materials as Nanocarriers Based on Inhibition of Intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species
천수민 포항공과대학교 Microwave-assisted Reversible Hydrophobic-to-Hydrophilic Transition for a Porous Graphene Foam 
천지윤 중앙대학교 Passivation Strategy with Durable-Designed Perovskite Quantum Dots for Highly Responsive Photodetectors
최새한 한국과학기술원 Photochemical Suppression and UV-to-blue Light Blocking of Inorganic Sunscreen Using Tannin Coating Layer 
최수빈 부산대학교 Improving the Marangoni-Driven Pattern Resolution in Thin Polymer Film by Using Shrinking Substrate
최진우 한양대학교 Enhancing Beta Phase of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) with Decomposable Molecular Splint
한기연 서울대학교 Dual Crosslinked Hydrogel Adhesives for Wound Dressing in Movable Parts
한대희 한국과학기술원 Benzotriazole-Based Non-Fused Ring Acceptors for Efficient and Thermally Stable Organic Solar Cells
함민정 인하대학교 Photomechanical Jumping of Liquid Crystalline Polymer Network Soft Robots with Varied Crosslinking Density
호린 한국화학연구원 Ni(II) Complexes Bearing β- ketoimino Ligands for Copolymerization of Norbornene and Polar-Derived Norbornene
황윤찬 경북대학교 Kinetics of Thermally Induced Phase Separation in Polyimide Solutions
황재혁 서울대학교 Microphase Separated Sulfur-Rich Copolymers with High Infrared Transparency-Thermomechanical Properties
황준호 광주과학기술원 Direct Observation of Rod-Coil Amphiphile Assembly and Elongation in an Aqueous Solution by LP-TEM
(06242) 서울시 강남구 강남대로 354 혜천빌딩 601호 상호명:(사)한국고분자학회
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