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Poly-2008 개최안내
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2007-08-17 조회수: 9649
File 1: APA Conference Brochure (Final) Outer.jpg Size: 761.92kB Down: 1098
File 2: APA Conference Brochure (Final) Inner.jpg Size: 791.67kB Down: 1145
Asian Polymer Association (APA) is the professional society dedicated to the developments in Polymer Science (www.apa-asia.org). The society is organising an International Conference on Polymers during January 28-31, 2008 at New Delhi, India, www.apa-conference2008.org. I hope that it will be a grand event in the field of polymer science & technology with the cooperation of all of you. Here, I would like to have huge paticipation from the Korean Institutions in Poly-2008 at New Delhi. Since, you have been associated with the Polymer Society of Korea, it would be a great task if the conference information is being forwarded to all your members across teh country. This would help us to have people from different walks of polymer life over here. I am sending you soft copy of the conference brochure for your information. Kindly forward this brochure to all the concerned people of the society.

Bhuvanesh Gupta
Conference Chairman
Department of Textile Technology
Indian Institute of Technology
New Delhi-110016
Ph: +91-11-26591416
Fax: +91-11-26581103

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Poly-2008 개최안내 관리자 2007-08-17 9649
132 PACCON 2008 개최안내 관리자 2007-08-17 8699