pISSN 1598-5032 eISSN 2092-7673 ISO Abbreviation: Macromol. Res.
Aims and Scope.
Macromolecular Research publishes original researches on all aspects of polymer science, engineering, and technology, which have not been or are not to be published elsewhere. Papers include Articles, Communications, Notes, Reviews, and Feature articles on the same basis. Articles are comprehensive reports of significant results and should have high scientific quality and originality. Communications should be preliminary reports of unusual urgency and significance. A more complete paper may be published at a later date. A Note deals with a limited subject which requires no further elaboration in the future. The length of both Communications and Notes should be less than 2000 words. Reviews should be short, critical surveys of progress in limited fields of macromolecular research made in recent years. Feature articles are invited reviews self-centered on the author's own research and may contain original results.
History and Frequency.
Since established in 1993 by the Polymer Society of Korea, the title of this journal was changed from Korea Polymer Journal to Macromolecular Research and indexed in Science Citation Index in 2002. This journal is published monthly by the Polymer Society of Korea and distributed by Springer.
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- Subscription fee includes the subscription both Polymer(Korea) and Macromolecular Research
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(C) The Polymer Society of Korea and Springer