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2019년 추계 우수논문발표상 수상자 명단
작성자 관리자  |  작성일 2019-10-17   |   조회수 8473
2019년 추계 우수논문발표상 수상자 명단

[구두(영어) 부문]
발표자성명 발표자소속 한글제목
Tanum Junjira 연세대학교 Cell Migration and Anti-inflammation Effects toward Multilayer Graphene Oxide Films Releasing Long and Sustained Nitric Oxide Gas
박도연 한국과학기술연구원 pH-Triggered Silk Fibroin/Alginate Structures Fabricated in Aqueous Two Phase System
박병학 성균관대학교 Hierarchical Thermochromic Nanoscale Crack-Based Sensor for Strain-Visualization
안솔 인하대학교 A Photoimageable Copolymer System Enabling Perovskite Pattern Formation
오왕석 광주과학기술원 From Gelating Covalent Network/Polymer Mixtures Toward Nanoporous Covalent Frameworks
이우섭 연세대학교 Irreversible Physical Adsorption of PS-b-PMMA Directs the Perpendicular Orientation of Microdomains of PS-b-PMMA Thin Films of its Own
이인규 건국대학교 Instantaneous Detection of Explosive and Toxic Nitroaromatic Compounds via Donor-Acceptor Complexation
이재원 고려대학교 Antifreezing Gold Colloids as a Deterministic Platform for Unveiling Ice-water Interface Augmentation
조경국 인하대학교 Solid-state Bendable Supercapacitors Based on Three-dimensionally Interconnected Large Mesopores and Polymer Gel Electrolytes
최한형 한국과학기술연구원/서울대학교 Improved Electron Injection and Transport in Polyimide-based Resistive Memories via Tip-Enhanced Electric Fields
홍기현 한국과학기술연구원 Fine-Tunable and Injectable 3D Hydrogel for On-Demand Stem Cell Niche

[구두(일반) 부문]
발표자성명 발표자소속 한글제목
김민성 중앙대학교 Split Ligand Mediated Re-Precipitation Technique of CH3NH3PbX3 (X = Br, I) Perovskite Quantum Dots with Narrow FWHM and High Stability
서현정 한남대학교 The Development of the Facile ITO Coating Method on Flexible Substrates Using PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) Polymer and the Spin-coating Approaches
오준용 울산과학기술원 Robust Nanoplatform with Protein Corona Shield System for Highly Efficient Targeted Drug Delivery
원수경 인하대학교 Orbital Maneuver and Collective Behaviors of Untethered Soft Robots
유호선 한국과학기술원 Engineering Branching Point of Side Chain in Naphthalene Diimide-Based Polymers for Enhancing Electron Mobility and All-PSCs Performance
이민석 한국과학기술원 Acquisition and Enhancement of Cancer Stem Cell-like Properties in Functional Poly Thin Film-induced Tumor Spheroids
이상준 한양대학교 Magnetically Guided Implantation of Stem Cell Spheroids Into Specific Lobe of Liver Organ Using Nanohybrid System
임새영 숭실대학교 Metastable Crystallization of The Quadruple Hydrogen Bonded Semi-Crystalline Supramolecular Polymer with Bulky Spacer
정윤선 한양대학교 Mechanically Triggered Synaptic Transistor with an Ionic Composite Inspired by Sensory Nervous System

[포스터 부문]
발표자성명 발표자소속 한글제목
Ajeesh Chandrasekharan Pusan National University In Situ Photocrosslinkable Hyaluronic Acid Based Surgical Glue for Wound Closure
Moumita Gupta 광주과학기술원 Controlled Co-Releasing Behavior of Self-assembled Short Peptide Nanostructures
Yu Zhang 부산대학교 Facile and Scalable Synthesis of Various Architecturally Nanoengineered Polypeptides with Excellent Antimicrobial Activities
권은혜 인천대학교 제올라이트/폴리티오펜 혼성박막 기반의 고성능 유해가스 흡착 센서 개발
김도윤 서울대학교 Electro-Active Soft Photonic Devices for the Monolithic Control of Color and Sound
김동우 부산대학교 Sulfoxide-based Vinyl Group Protection Strategy: A Facile Post-polymerization Modification Method
김영윤 한국화학연구원 Roll-to-Roll Production of Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells via Gravure Printing
김예찬 울산과학기술원 Lattice-Matched Self-Directed Assembly of Diblock Copolymer Thin Films for a Large Area Quasi-Single-Crystal 2D Dot Array
김윤아 한양대학교 Bioinspired Multicellular Ion Pump Composites for Ultrasensitive Iontronic Tactile Sensor Skin
김재광 인하대학교 Untethered Light Driven Soft Robots: Molecularly Engineered Photomotility of Liquid Crystal Polymers
김종윤 DGIST Highly Sensitive, Flexible and Transparent Polymer Thermistors Using Silver Fractal Dendrites and Polyacrylate
김종현 한국과학기술원 Photonic Hydrogels for Encryption of Structural-Color Pattern
김형종 고려대학교 Aggregation Induced Emission-active Molecular Triad for Efficient Solution-processed Non-doped TADF-OLEDs
나윤서 이화여자대학교 Highly Stable Green/Blue/Violet Photoluminescence from Block Copolymer-Templated Perovskite Nanocrystals
남기호 연세대학교 Colorless and Transparent Polyimide: The Core Material for Foldable Smart Device
남지윤 한국과학기술원 Control of a Branching Point in Branched Multiblock Macromonomers to Janus Core-Shell Bottlebrush Copolymers
노혁준 울산과학기술원 Production of Edge-thionic Acid-functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelets Retaining Graphitic Layered Structures for Lithium Ion Batteries as Anode Materials
문경민 한국생산기술연구원 Synthesis of Self-healable Polyimide with Excellent Weatherability Based on Charge Transfer Complex Interaction
문유경 이화여자대학교 Degradation Mechanism of Organic Light-Emitting Devices Incorporating Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Dopants
박광훈 경상대학교 Achieving Thickness-Insensitive Morphology of the Photoactive Layer for Printable Organic Solar Cells via Side Chain Engineering in Non-fullerene Acceptors (NFAs)
박상혁 한국과학기술원 Regioselective Growth of 3D Colloidal Crystals on 2D-Patterned Templates via Controlled Depletion Force
박소영 포항공과대학교 Nonclassical Nanostructures of 6-arm Star-shaped (PMMA-b-PS)6 in Thin Film
박수홍 고려대학교 Exceptional Efficiency Enhancement of Non-Halogenated Solvent Processed Single-Component Polymer Solar Cells Derived from a Highly Crystalline Conjugated Donor-Acceptor Block Copolymer
박재현 광주과학기술원 Doping Induced Multi-dimensional Self-assembly of Conjugated Polymers
박종민 서울대학교 Liquid-Phase Analytes Detectable OFET Sensors Based on Cross-Linked Polymer Semiconductors
박현정 한국과학기술원 Mechanically-Robust Semiconducting Polymers with Regioregular-block-Regiorandom Poly(3-Hexylthiophene) Copolymers
박희정 단국대학교 Synthesis and Characterization of Imide-based Polyurethane with Enhanced Self-healability
서지애 고려대학교 Fabrication of Biodegradable and Flexible Shape Memory Polymer Containing Polyrotaxane Cross-linker
서지원 중앙대학교 Orally Disintegrating Films of Uniform Crystals Prepared by Film Casting and Evaporative Crystallization
서한진 포항공과대학교 Versatile Vesicles-based Artificial Cells via Droplet Microfluidics
신동인 성균관대학교 Electrostatically Assembled Raspberry-like Metamolecules Exhibiting Optical Magnetic Response
신지연 충남대학교 Dual Crosslinkable Tyramine-modified Methylcellulose Hydrogels for 3-D Bioprinting
신지혜 한국과학기술원 Utilization of DNA-Lipid Block Copolymer Modified Surfaces for Target Specific Encapsulation
쑹원리양 Pusan National University Super Stable Nanoporous Polymers with Precisely Controlled Architectures and Synergistically Enhanced Catalytic Properties
유다현 이화여자대학교 Enhanced Operational Stability of Organic Field-effect Transistors with Cyclopentadithiophene-based Polymers
이민기 인하대학교 Synthesis of Heteroatom-Doped Hollow Mesoporous Carbon Nanospheres for Lithium-Sulfur Battery and Supercapacitor Applications
이민혜 한국화학연구원 Efficient Preparation Method of 3D Carbon Nanotube Foam for Freely Shapable and Flexible Thermoelectric Power Generators
이상연 인하대학교 Flexible and Three-dimensional (3D) Hierarchically Structured Mid-wavelength Infrared Polarizers via Sulfur Copolymer Arrays
이서린 중앙대학교 Oil-Water Separation and Dye-adsorption Systems Based on Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Hydrogel
이승연 이화여자대학교 Blue Electrofluorescence by Exergonic Harvest of Triplet Excitons
이예찬 부산대학교 Odorless Glutathione Microneedle Patches for Skin Whitening
이유진 부산대학교 Effect of Isomeric Amine Chain Extenders on the Thermal, Mechanical and Actuation Properties of Liquid Crystal Elastomers
이지현 성균관대학교 A Skin Patch with Diving Beetle-inspired Architectures for Multidirectional, Reversible Attachment and Sweat Capture
이창현 한국과학기술원 Flexible Nonvolatile Organic Transistor Memory with Low Power Operation Using Ultrathin Bilayer Dielectric Stack
이택호 울산과학기술원 Efficient Exciton Harvesting in Organic Bilayer Heterojunctions with Non-Fullerene Small Molecular Acceptors
이혜정 광주과학기술원 Reduced Thermal Conductivity of PEDOT:PSS Nanotubes for High Thermoelectric Efficiency
임지현 중앙대학교 Effect of Black TiO2 Nanoparticle Mixed Electron Transport Layer in Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells
전승배 연세대학교 The Frank-Kasper Phase Analysis of High Conformationally Asymmetric Block Copolymers Self-assembly
정찬호 성균관대학교 Controllable Response-Curves in a Pressure Sensor by Designated Electrodes
조재상 중앙대학교/전자부품연구원 Sputtered Amorphous Alloy Electrode for Inverted Organic Solar Cells
진우경 연세대학교 Interactive Display with Epidermal Stimuli Electrode
최기원 한양대학교 A Highly Self-healable Polyurethane Based on Urea Oligomer with Excellent Long-term Stability
최다희 연세대학교 Correlation Algorithm Between the Polyethylene Microplastic Shape Pattern and Cytotoxicity
최부민 서울대학교 Surface Modified Ceria–Zirconia Nanoparticles for Targeting Spinal Microglia and Enhanced Analgesic Treatment of Neuropathic Pain
최예훈 한국과학기술원 Functional Microgels Formed by Complexation Between Graphene-Oxide Nanosheets and Hydrophilic Polymers in Double-Emulsion Templates
최용석 연세대학교 Capacitively Coupled Hybrid Ion Gel and Carbon Nanotube Thin-Film Transistors for Low Voltage Flexible Logic Circuits
하성균 성균관대학교 Sensor and Soft Actuator from Anion-Responsive Thiourea Gels
한명근 포항공과대학교 High-performance n-Type Organic Semiconductor Based on Diketopyrrolopyrrole Copolymers
한민수 연세대학교 Soft Transparent Photothermal Heaters Using NIR Absorbing Dyes
한소희 연세대학교 Synthesis of Dynamic Imine Polymeric Micelles for Efficient Drug Delivery
한의영 연세대학교 An Approach for Predicting Adsorption Properties of Polymer-coated Nanoparticles Using Statistical Algorithm
허태영 홍익대학교 Salt Concentration Dependent Structure of Complex Coacervate Core Micelles
홍영주 연세대학교 Synthesis of Polyethers with Pendant Primay, Seconday, and Tertiary Amino Groups for Efficient Non-viral Vehicle
황산주 이화여자대학교 Conformeric Equilibrium Affects the Longevity of Organic Light-Emitting Devices of Thermally Activate Delayed Fluorescence
황은혜 울산과학기술원 Enhancing The Performance and Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells by Applying Multifunctional Pt(II) Complex
황진영 아주대학교 In Situ Forming Chitosan/PEG Hybrid Hydrogels with Tunable Physicochemical Properties
(06242) 서울시 강남구 강남대로 354 혜천빌딩 601호 상호명:(사)한국고분자학회
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