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2022년 춘계 우수논문발표상 수상자 명단
작성자 관리자  |  작성일 2022-04-12   |   조회수 5758
2022년 춘계 우수논문발표상 수상자 명단


부문 발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
구두(영어) 박지혜 연세대학교 Synthesis of Polyethers with Carboxylic Acid Pendant Group via Anionic Ring-Opening Polymerization
구두(영어) 신민규 고려대학교 A Novel Swelling-Diffusion Strategy for Modifying the Structural and Chemical Properties of Polyamide Membranes
구두(일반) 박상혁 한국과학기술원 Rich Phase Behaviors of Colloids with Realistic Pair Potentials
구두(일반) 박재규 연세대학교 A self-healable, tough, and conductive hydrogel with a dynamic network ensures the long-term functionality of bioelectronics
구두(토론) 이주승 성균관대학교 Anisotropic Conductive Polymer Adhesive Based Nanoscale Dewetting for Assembly of Microscale Electronics
구두(토론) 정하윤 가톨릭대학교 Photoactivatable nano-vaccine with enhancement of immune response against influenza virus
구두(토론) 황혜선 중앙대학교 Driving Droplets on Liquid Repellent Surfaces via Light-Driven Marangoni Propulsion
포스터 최건우 한국과학기술원 Systematic Control of Sulfur Chain Length of High Refractive Index, Transparent Sulfur-containing Polymers with Enhanced Thermal Stability
포스터 김민찬 부산대학교 Rheological Properties of Various Fillers in Polylactic acid/Low-density Polyethylene Blends.
포스터 민성배 부산대학교 Shear Aligning Anisotropic Filler in Polymer Melt using Thermophoresis
포스터 양홍명 인하대학교 Electrochemically Stable Ionic Liquid Electrolytes for Electrical Double Layer-based Charge Accumulation
포스터 구모범 서울대학교 Effective synthesis of polymer catenanes composed of interlocked discrete cyclic polymers
포스터 민주홍 광주과학기술원 Chiral conjugated polymer/quantum dot self-assembly into hybrid nanoplatform
포스터 이예담 고려대학교 Cryopreserved Cell Viability Using Functionalized 2D Nanostructures with Anti-Freezing Activity
포스터 최지혜 부산대학교 Direct Ink Writing of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Elastomers:  Mechanochromic and Angle-Dependent Structural Color
포스터 강동희 울산과학기술원 Frequency-selective Acoustic and Haptic Smart Skin for Dual-mode Dynamic/Static Human–Machine Interface
포스터 김영효 광주과학기술원 Mono-chlorination Strategy on Isoindigo-based Conjugated Polymers for N-type Organic Field-effect Transistors
포스터 오진우 연세대학교 Dual-Mode Image Sensing Display with Metal–Organic Framework-Assisted Metal-Ion Doped All-Inorganic Perovskite Film
포스터 장연재 서울시립대학교 Understanding Operating Mechanism of All-in-One Type Electrochromic Supercapacitors
포스터 이혜선 부산대학교 Rapidly-curable surgical glues enforced by adjustable multilength networks
포스터 이지은 중앙대학교 Biocatalytic Suprastructure for Efficient Cascade Reactions

[구두(영문) 부문]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
위유문 전북대학교 Dynamic Actuating Reversible Wrinkles Enabled by Liquid Metal Fillers on Polymeric Bilayer
정성원 연세대학교 Optimized tissue vitalizing bioelectronics using conductive, ultrasoft hydrogel
최희정 울산과학기술원 Asymmetric A-DA’D-A type nonfullerene acceptors for efficient and stable organic solar cells
피트리아 게아 부산대학교 Fabrication of Mechanically Tough Dry-Free Ionogel Microfibers Swollen in Aqueous Electrolyte by Microfluidic Devices
허승재 한양대학교 Surface Functionalization of 3D Printed Scaffold with Minerals and Pro-angiogenic Growth Factor for Vascularized Bone Regeneration

[구두(일반) 부문]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
노진경 서울대학교 Solution- and Solid-state Mechanochemistry of Polymers from Varying Macromonomers
이재경 인하대학교 Shape-Fixable Vitrimer Microarrays via Magneto-Thermomechanical Stimuli
이정민 서울대학교 Semi-automated synthesis of sequence-defined polymers for information storage
전두표 부산대학교 Fully Recyclable Vitrimer Composite with Segregated Filler Structures for Efficient Heat Dissipation
정재민 한양대학교 Ionic-Liquid Doping of Carbon Nanotubes with [HMIM][BF4] for High Performance Flexible Thermoelectric Generators
최한빈 한양대학교 Visco-poroelastic Electrochemiluminescence Skin Based on Piezo-ionic Effect for Mechanosensitive Visualization

[구두(토론) 부문]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
임동언 연세대학교 High-Performance Organic-Graphene Hybrid Photonic Barristors via Cold-Trap-Mediated charge recombination
최진강 포항공과대학교 Tailoring of Selective Chemical Reaction via Liquid Crystals Integrated with Organic Ionics
한준혁 성균관대학교 Combination of Electrical Ablation and Functional Nanoparticle for In Situ Cancer Vaccination

[포스터 부문]

발표자성명 발표자소속 제목
AO LIU POSTECH High-performance metal halide perovskite thin-film transistors
Zhengping Tan KAIST Construction of Anisotropic Block Copolymer Particles through Quaternizing Additives-Induced Synergetic Crosslink and Swelling
강승인 부산대학교 Investigation on the durable demoldability of a polymer coated stainless steel mold through repetitive lap shear stress measurements
공진연 한양대학교 Highly Sensitive, Underwater Self-healable Strain Sensor for Respiration Monitoring
김경미 한국화학연구원 Sticky biodegradables from complex citrate system 
김민수 연세대학교 High-aspect ratio zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF)-8 nanoplates mixed matrix membrane for hydrogen separation
김민주 이화여자대학교 Chiral Perovskite Nanocrystals Templated by Achiral Block Copolymer Micelles with High Chiroptical Property and Stability
김승현 포항공과대학교 Multiscale Study of Strain-Dependent Charge Transport in Deformable Conjugated Polymers 
김우조 포항공과대학교 Three-Dimensional, Flexible, and Printed Complementary Organic TFTs-based Static Random-Access Memory
김정규 서울대학교 Effect of Hemicellulose Hydrolysate Addition on the Structural Change and Redispersion Characteristic of Cellulose Nanofibrils
김지수 서울대학교 The Effect of Various UV Curing Patterns of Optically Clear Acrylate Adhesive for Flexible Mobile Devices
김진민 포항공과대학교 Aptasensor-encapsulated semi-permeable protocells for direct analyte detection in non-treated samples
나혜빈 한국과학기술원 Boosting RNA-catalyzed DNA-Streptavidin Hydrogel Formation with Base-pair Mismatch for Enzyme-free Picomolar MicroRNA Detection
노동규 연세대학교 Risk-Perceptional and Feedback-Controlled Response System Based on NO2-Detecting Artificial Sensory Synapse
류광현 서울대학교 Adhesion of PBS Hot-Melt Adhesives by Rosin Type for Packaging
류승운 포항공과대학교 Systematic Y6 Inner Side-Chain Modulation Enabling Optimized Vertical PhaseSeparation for Non-Halogen Solvent Processed Inverted Organic Solar Cells
문호준 인하대학교 Effects of magnetic particle concentration on magneto-mechanical bending of vitrimer composite micropillar arrays  
박서영 충남대학교 Preparation and Characterization of Blend Thermogel System for Biomedical Applications
박순모 한국과학기술원 Hierarchical Fiber Structures of Amyloid Fibrils through Evaporation-Induced Self-Assembly
박영상 한국과학기술연구원 Membrane Electrode Assembly Performance Optimization of Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers with PGM and Non-PGM Catalysts
박재영 한양대학교 A retro Diels-Alder Reaction Triggered Self-assembly
박지원 광주과학기술원 Printable conductive water-inks based on assemby of liquld-metal polymer droplets
배혜민 한국화학연구원 Design of Fused Cyclopentadithiophene Core-based Polymer Donor for Exceptional Light Utilization in Semi-transparent Organic Solar Cells
소유진 한국화학연구원/한국과학기술원 High Adhesive Polyimide Binder via Water-processable Synthesis for Silicon Anodes in Lithium-ion Batteries
윤준연 광주과학기술원 Chiral molecule-based hierarchical assembly into ferroelectric nanowires
이모범 서울대학교 Topologically Designed Cross-linking Network for Stretchable and Recoverable Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives with Exceptional Softness
이미래 연세대학교 Fabrication of the Functional Film to Produce a Cultured Meat with Enhanced Food Properties
이석영 연세대학교 Polymer-Laminated MXene Electrodes with Oxidation Stability for Field-Driven Electronics
이수연 충남대학교 Preparation and characterization of PVA nanofibrous absorbents for heavy metal removal via electrospinning and tannic acid coating
이예진 한국생산기술연구원 A highly transparent optical film with excellent mechanical properties and folding reliability using intensification of mismatched charge transfer complexation for flexible displays
이혁중 연세대학교 Facile and Stable Dispersion of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide nanosheets with Halide Perovskite Nanocrystal and Their Nanocomposite Image Sensor
이형준 한국과학기술원 Designing 3D Polymer Nanostructure through Capillary Wetting on Colloidal Monolayer
이혜진 울산과학기술원 Low-Voltage Stretchable Electroluminescent Devices for Sound-in-Display Electronics
이호준 포항공과대학교 Stabilization of network morphologies through end-group chemistry
임세영 포항공과대학교 Increased monodispersity of perovskite colloidal quantum dots enabling high-efficiency solar cells
임아연 한국화학연구원 Extending the boundaries of fully biobased monomers: high performing thermal shrinkage film
정상훈 포항공과대학교 Biomimetic Supramolecular Drug Delivery Hydrogels for Accelerated Skin Tissue Regeneration
정세인 포항공과대학교 Length-modulated Nitrene Induced Photo-crosslinking Networks in near-Amorphous Conjugated Polymer for Stretchable Electronics
정욱진 한양대학교 Photo-patternable, Elastic Polymer Network Electrolytes for High Scalability to Skin Electronics
정은송 서울대학교 Depolymerization of Poly(α-methylstyrene) with Ball-Mill Grinding
조승연 연세대학교 Non-affinely distorted Double Gyroid structures in Solvent-vapor-annealed Polystyrene-b-Poly(methyl methacrylate) Films
채욱일 홍익대학교 Development of Thermally Stable Composite Polymer Electrolyte Enabled by in-situ Polymerization
최경민 동아대학교 Orientational rheology of graphene oxide dispersions in isotropic phase,  ordered isotropic biphase, and discotic phase
최민재 전북대학교 Stretchable Liquid Metal Composite Films with Hand-Written Conductive Trace and Directionally Anisotropic Metallic Conductivity
최민준 아주대학교 Interface Modification by Quinoxaline-based Materials an Effective Strategy for Suppression Recombination of Perovskite Solar Cells in Indoor Environments
최윤혁 충남대학교 Methylcellulose/Laponite nanocomposite hydrogels for 3D bioprinting
최재원 포항공과대학교 Fast and Large Motion of Self-Oscillating Gels with Phase-separated Structures
한나라 인하대학교 Improving the Thermomechanical Properties of Sulfur Copolymers through Thermal Treatments
한혜현 포항공과대학교 Bimetallic Electrodes Passivated with Hyaluronic Acid for Mechanical and Electrochemical Stability of Smart Contact Lens
(06242) 서울시 강남구 강남대로 354 혜천빌딩 601호 상호명:(사)한국고분자학회
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