Asian Polyolefin Workshop (APO 2009)
After the success of the 1st Asian Polyolefin Workshop (APO 2005) held in Nara, Japan, and 2nd APO 2007 held in Hangzhou, China. Now you are cordially invited to the 3rd Asian Polyolefin Workshop 2009 (APO 2009) that has been planned to be held in Seoul, a famous and historic Metropolitan City of Korea. As the responsible organizer we set the date and venue of APO 2009 as follows;
Date : October 27(Tue) – 30(Fri), 2009 Venue : Seoul Royal Hotel, Seoul, Korea
The symposium will be consisted of oral presentations (including invited lectures), and poster sessions for general presentation. Poster contributors will also give 3 min short oral presentation. Space (booth) for advertisement for companies may also be arranged upon request.
1) Catalysts for olefin polymerization ; Phillips, Ziegler-Natta and organometallic catalysts
2) Design and synthesis of new polyolefins
3) Structure and properties of polyolefin materials
4) Reaction engineering of olefin polymerization
Processing and application of polyolefins
Other topics for polyolefins and their derivatives
All correspondences concerning the workshop and Registration/Abstract should be sent to:
Professor Keun-Byoung Yoon
General Secretary of Asian Polyolefin Workshop 2009
Department of Polymer Science & Engineering
Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Korea
Fax +82-53-950-6623
E-mail: [email protected]
※ Pleae refer to the attached file (Registration and Abstract Form).