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14th Asian Chemical Congress 개최 안내
작성자 관리자  |  작성일 2010-10-20   |   조회수 8536
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Greetings from 14th Asian Chemical Congress!

The Asian Chemical Congress (ACC) is held at two yearly intervals as a tradition hosted by the member societies of the Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (FACS). In year 2011, for the first time, The Chemical Society of Thailand under the patronage of Professor Dr. HRH Princess Chulabhorn (C.S.T.) receives an honor to host 14th Asian Chemical Congress (14ACC) during 5-8 September 2011 at Queen Sirikit Convention Center in Bangkok, Thailand.

14ACC will discuss the latest in chemical research, development and education, aiming to make progress in sharing and learning scientific knowledge and improving the quality of life and environment. The scientific program will include all traditional areas of chemistry uniquely characterized by 7 leading universities in Thailand and also offer outstanding content of several particular areas conducted by reputable chemists and international organizations.

In order to achieve the above objective, we expect variety of abstracts from participants from many countries. Therefore we would like to request for your immense support in promoting the upcoming 14ACC, especially at this very moment that 14ACC online abstract submission is opened. We would be truly appreciated if you could relay this message to your colleagues and interested people that they are invited to submit their abstract by 20 January 2011. Please visit http://www.14acc.org/abstract_submit.htm for more details.
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