ISPAC 2013 Call for Papers
New Orleans, Louisiana, June 10-12, 2013
Short Course, June 9, 2013
Dear Colleague:
The International Symposium on Polymer Analysis and Characterization, ISPAC, is a non-profit scientific organization. The mission of ISPAC is to provide an international forum for the presentation of cutting-edge technologies in the field of polymer analysis and characterization. The symposium is unique in its emphasis on state-of-the-art methodologies, in its multidisciplinary approach to problems, and in the detailed discussions available among the participants. Over the years, the symposia have successfully brought together analytical chemists, polymers chemists, polymer physicists, chemical engineers, and material scientists involved in the characterization and analysis of synthetic and natural polymeric materials from universities, industry, and government labs. Meetings are held annually, rotating to venues in the USA, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
The annual three-day symposia comprise invited and contributed lectures, poster sessions, discussions and information exchange on polymer analysis and characterization approaches, techniques and applications. This is also an outstanding opportunity for job seekers and recruiters to come together in a dynamic and interactive setting.
We will accept abstracts in all fields on polymer analysis and characterization; The list of main ISPAC 2013 areas is given below. Topics will include fundamental studies and applications but all have a strong focus on polymer analysis and charaterization.
Abstracts should be submitted for contributed, oral lectures (15 minutes each) and poster presentations. We will assume that the primary author will be the presenter.
You are able to upload your abstract online here.
Poster presentations and oral presentations in all areas of polymer analysis and characterization are invited. Oral presentations will be accepted on a competitive, refereed basis. Please feel free to forward this call to papers along to a colleague whom might be interested in participating in ISPAC 2013.
All abstracts will be included in the Conference Notes to be provided to participants.
Please visit the ISPAC website at http://ispac-conferences.org/ for information on the scientific program as it evolves as well as registration and other details.
Focus areas at ISPAC 2013
i) Latest developments in polymer separations and chromatography
- Interactive chromatography
- Multi-dimensional and hyphenated GPC
- Field Flow Fractionation
ii) Scattering and spectroscopic methods for polymer analysis and characterization
- X-ray scattering
- Neutron scattering
- Light scattering (including DLS, SLS and electrophoretic LS)
- Electronmicroscopy and AFM
- Various spectroscopies, including NMR, IR, Raman
iii) Modeling/computational approaches to polymer analysis and characterization and comparison with experimental methods
- Predicting polymer macroscopic properties from molecular level characterization
- Rheological and thermal analysis of polymers and associated modeling
- Applications to Polyolefins
- Online monitoring and process control of polymerization reactions
iv) Characterization of therapeutic proteins and delivery systems.
- Characterization of therapeutic antibodies and protein higher order structure
- Characterization of protein aggregates in drug product development
- Characterization challenges for protein formulations from low to high concentration
- Computational characterization of protein structure and interactions
v) Current challenges in analysis and characterization for new polymers and natural products
- Stimuli responsive polymers
- Natural products
- Nanomedicine
- Hybrid nanoparticles
- Bioconjugates
- Pharmaceutical drug delivery agents
Venue and Location: The conference will be held in New Orleans, LA this year at the historic Monteleone Hotel in the French Quarter. New Orleans has a vibrant culture with a blend of Spanish, French, and American influence which is reflected in the culinary scene, architecture, music, and people. In addition to being a popular tourist and conference destination, New Orleans also has one of the largest port systems in the world and is located in Louisiana which boasts many large industries including oil&gas, basic chemicals, and polymers. The city is also a budding hub for entrepreneurship and technology commercialization. We invite you to come enjoy everything that ISPAC 2013 and New Orleans have to offer in June 2013!