*초대장 파일은 위에서 다운로드 받으시면 됩니다.( 다운로드시 "저장" 선택하시어 저장후 열어보십시오. 바로" 열기"하면 열리지 않습니다.)
Based on the success of the International Symposia on Engineering Plastics (EP’2001, September 14-18, 2001 in Beijing, China, and EP’2004, August 15-20, 2004 in Lanzhou, China), we are organizing the Third International Symposium on
Engineering Plastics (EP’2007) to be held in August 19-24, 2007 in Urumqi,
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. The topics will be on polymeric
materials including thermoplastics and thermosets, although the term of
“engineering plastics” appears in the title for keeping its series. All the contributions
will cover almost all the related important disciplines along the path from monomer
through polymer to product.
The organizing committee warmly welcomes all of you, polymer scientists,
engineers and students involving in polymer synthesis, physics, processing and
materials, to attend this symposium, and believes your participation will be a great
contribution to EP’2007.
Chairman, Dr. Charles C. Han Co-Chairman, Dr. Jiasong He
* 단체로 참석하는 일정에 참석하실 분은 ㈜걸리버세계여행사의 양미옥 실장에게 [서울시 영등포구 여의도동 13-25 정우빌딩 1층 우)150-010, Tel_02)783-1311,1312,1342, e-mail:[email protected]] 문의하시길 바랍니다.