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The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Nanomedicine
작성자 관리자  |  작성일 2015-09-17   |   조회수 6955
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File 2: 대한나노의학회2015_포스터.pdf   |   Size: 592.88kB   |   Down: 914

Place: YooKwangSa Hall, Korea University Anam Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Time: September 23-25, 2015

September 23 (JW Marriott DONGDAEMOON Square)
16:00-20:00 KSN Board Meeting & Welcome Reception

September 24 (YooKwangSa Hall, Korea University Anam Hospital)
08:00-09:00: Registration
09:00-09:10: Welcome Address by KSN President (Dong June Ahn, Korea Univ.)
Session 1: Emerging Nanomaterials for Nanomedicine (Chair: Jwa-Min Nam, SNU)
09:10-09:50: Keynote Talk - Jay T. Groves, UC Berkeley and HHMI Investigator
09:50-10:20: Taewook Kang, Sogang University
10:20-10:30: Coffee Break
10:30-11:00: Haeshin Lee, KAIST
11:00-11:30: Dalhee Min, Seoul National University
11:30-12:00: Sangyong Jon, KAIST
12:00-13:30: Lunch and Poster Session
Session 2: Translational Nanomedicine (Chair: Keong-Wook Kang, SNU Hospital)
13:30-14:10: Keynote Talk - Dongsoo Lee, Seoul National University Hospital
14:10-14:40: Sangheon Lee, Korea University Anam Hospital
14:40-15:10: Junho Chung, Seoul National University Hospital
15:10-15:30: Coffee Break
Session 3: Cutting-Edge Nanobiotechnology (Chair: Sangyong Jon, KAIST)
15:30-16:10: Keynote Talk - Joao Mano, University of Minho
16:10-16:40: Shinji Sakai, Osaka University
16:40-17:10: Donghwee Kim, Korea University
17:10-17:40: Insung S. Choi, KAIST
17:40-18:00: Oral Presentation – Best Poster Awardees (5 min each)

September 25
10:00-12:30: Panel Discussion & Closing Remark by Organizing Committee Chair

Poster Session

Poster presentation is scheduled from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm on September 24th. The
presenters should be present next to their own posters to address the questions by
participants. All the posters should be posted before 10:30 am on September 24 and
removed by 6:00 pm on September 24th. Top three posters will be selected by the
committee members and invited speakers, and poster awards will be given to the
authors of the most outstanding posters (these authors will have a chance to give
a 5-min talk). The poster board and materials for poster attachment will be provided
at the site of poster presentation.
*All the poster abstracts (title, affiliation, email and abstract) should be submitted to
Eunjoo Nam ([email protected]) by September 18. Poster presenters will be contacted
by the KSN on September 21.

Registration will be done at the conference site.
Registration Fee: 200,000 Won for Professors and 100,000 Won for Students/Postdocs.
The Annual Membership Fee for the KSN Members is 300,000 Won.

참조: 대한나노의학회 홈페이지(http://nanomedicine.or.kr/)
문의: 대한나노의학회 사무국 남은주 ([email protected] 02-2072-2530)
(06242) 서울시 강남구 강남대로 354 혜천빌딩 601호 상호명:(사)한국고분자학회
TEL:82-2-568-3860, 561-5203, 569-3860 FAX:82-2-553-6938 사업자번호:220-82-00411 대표자: 김교현
E-mail:[email protected]
Hyecheon Building(Room 601), #354, Gangnam-Daero, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul 06242, Korea

Copyright(c) The Polymer Society of Korea. All right reserved.
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