International Conference
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IUPAC International Symposium on Molecular Design of Functional Polymers (1989)

Period June 26 ~ June 28, 1989
Venue Seoul Lotte Hotel

  Domestic International Total
General Participant Academic 202 158 566
Industrial 206
Student Participant 86 27 113
Invited Speakers 13 18 31
Accompanying Person 2 20 22
Total 509 223 732

2. Participants per Country
Country Registered Member Country Registered Member
Australia 2 Israel 2
Austia 1 Italy 1
Bahrain 2 Japan 126
Belgium 1 Korea 503
China 5 Maxico 1
Czechoslovakia 1 Saudi Arabia 2
F.R.G 9 Singapore 2
Finland 1 Sweden 1
Greece 1 Taiwan, China 11
Hong Kong 2 U.S.A 38
India 6 U.S.S.R. 2
Iraq 4 26 Countries 732

3. Presented Papers per Session
Sessions Invited Lecture (40 min) Oral Lecture (20 min) Poster Total
Plenary Lecture 3 3
Polymer Synthesis
(Including Liquid Crystal Polymer)
7 60 27 94
Polymer Membrane 4 23 4 31
Photo-responsive Polymer 4 19 2 25
Biomedical Polymer 7 38 10 55
Electrical Conduting Polymer 6 29 4 39
Total 31 169 47 247

4. Presented Papers per Country
Country Registered Member Country Registered Member
Australia 2 Japan 85
Austia 1 Korea 91
Bahrain 2 Maxico 1
Belgium 1 Singapore 1
China 6 Sweden 1
Czechoslovakia 1 Taiwan, China 12
F.R.G 4 Turkey 2
Finland 2 U.S.A 28
Greece 1 U.S.S.R. 2
India 2    
Iraq 3 20 Countries 247

5. Social Events
Period Venue Participant
Welcome Reception June 25 17:30~19:30 Crystal Volume 500
Opening Ceremony June 26 09:30~10:00 Crystal Volume 600
Banquet June 27 19:00~21:00 Crystal Volume 300
Industrial tour June 29~June 30 Ulsan Petrochemical Complex 11
Programs for Accompanying Person
(Sightseeing, Shopping)
June 26~June 28 Yongin Korean Folk, Museum,
Itaewon, Ancient Palace, etc.

6. Committee
Chair of Organizing Committee : Tae Oan Ahn

Dongbeom Jee, Kyu Suck Choi, Choi Geunseon, Choi Samgwon, Sangeop Choi, Gihyeon Jung,
Sucheol Kang, Byoung Jin Kim, Jeomsik Kim, Kwang Ung Kim, Taerin Kim, Wontaek Kim, Gi-Dong Lee,
Sang Seob Lee, Ki Suck Ameng, Icksam Noh, TchunWook Park, Taewon Park, Hyung Chick Pyun,
Jeonghan Lee, Jyong Sup Shim, Suk Kyu Song

Academic Committee
Chair : Iwhan Cho
Vice Chair : Jung Il Jin
Kwang-Duk Ahn, Won Jei Cho, Jin Chul Jung, Jae Jin Kim, Woo Sik Kim, Hai Bang Lee, Hoosung Lee, Sumun Park, Yong Kiel SUNG

Finance Committee
Chair : Changgyou Kim
Vice Chair : Un Young Kim
Unjae Choi Samgwon, Dongbeom Jee, Gwangung Kim, Min Hae Koo, Gidong Lee, Suh Bong Rhee, Jaegap Seong, Yung Hak Yue

Operating Committee
Chair Gyeyong Kim ,Chong Su Cho, Chul Rim Choe, Soonja Choe, Hyeokjong Joo, Dong Joon Choo, Doo Whan Kang,
Bong Shik Kim, Byoungsik Kim, Sang Ouk Kim, Young Ha Kim, Jang Woo Lee, Young Moo Lee, Si Tae Noh, JUNG OK PARK

Wife Committee
Chair : Seung Beum Lee
Vice Chair : Hongja Kim
Mediators : Soonja Choe, JUNG OK PARK, Insun Jang , Suja Choi, Yeongja Choi, Seungsuk Hong , Seongwon Hwang,
Gyeonghye Kim, Yeongja Kim , Suhwa Lee, Myeongja Noh, Yoo Haeseon

Secretary General : Sung Cheol Kim
O Ok Park, Doo Sung Lee, In-Joo Chin, Yang Kyoo Han

(06242) 서울시 강남구 강남대로 354 혜천빌딩 601호 상호명:(사)한국고분자학회
TEL:82-2-568-3860, 561-5203, 569-3860 FAX:82-2-553-6938 사업자번호:220-82-00411 대표자: 김교현
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Hyecheon Building(Room 601), #354, Gangnam-Daero, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul 06242, Korea

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