International Conference
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IUPAC Macro Seoul's 96 (1996)

Period August 4 ~ August 9, 1996
Intercontinental Seoul Coex

(1)Domestic : General Participant 465, students 376, Accompanying Person 1
(2)International : General Participant 548, students 142, Accompanying Person 51

2.Classifications by Nations
Country Registered Members Country Registered Members
1 Algeria 2 22 Liechtenstein 1
2 Australia 11 23 Malaysia 3
3 Bangladesh 2 24 Mexico 5
4 Belgium 5 25 Nepal 1
5 Brazil 4 26 Norway 4
6 Canada 15 27 Poland 16
7 Chile 5 28 Romania 1
8 China 82 29 Russia 54
9 Czech Republic 4 30 Slovakia 2
10 Denmark 1 31 Slovenia 1
11 Egypt 2 32 South Africa 8
12 Finland 1 33 Sweden 1
13 France 14 34 Switzerland 1
14 Germany 39 35 Taiwan 10
15 Hungary 3 36 The Netherlands 7
16 India 1 37 Turkey 1
17 Indonessia 2 38 U.K 6
18 Iran 1 39 U.S.A 87
19 Italy 8 40 Ukraine 6
20 Japan 263 41 Uzbekistan 12
21 Korea 832 42 Vietnam 2
Sub-Total : 1,531
Accompanying Persons : 52
Total Number : 1,583

(1) Sections
1. Synthesis and Reactions of Polymers(Polymer Synthesis and Reactions)
2. Structures and Properties of Polymer(Polymer Structure and Properties)
3. Thermodynamics and Molecular Dynamics
4. Polymer processing
5. Polymer blends and Composites
6. Polymer Membranes
7. Field Responsive Polymers
8. Bio-Related Polymers
9. Supramolecular Assembly and Polymer Thin Films
10.Polymers and Environment
11.Polymer Education

(2)Presented Papers per Sessions
Session Invited Lectures General Lectures Posters Total
Plenary Lectures 5 5
S01 25 107 158 290
S02 12 85 115 212
S03 11 34 21 66
S04 8 18 11 37
S05 14 69 82 165
S06 7 16 27 50
S07 19 29 40 88
S08 13 34 49 96
S09 12 21 35 68
S10 6 16 25 47
S11 6 1   7
Total 138 430 563 1,131

4. Committee
Organizing Committee
Chair : Un Young Kim
Members : Tae Oan Ahn, Iwhan Cho, Sung Il Hong, Youn Sik Kim, Giung Seong , Man Jung Han, Hoosung Lee, Jung Il Jin, Suh Bong Rhee, Taeui Min , Kwang Ung Kim

Finance Committee
Chair : Youn Sik Kim
Vice Chair : Giung Seong

Academic Committee
Chair : Jung Il Jin
Vice Chair : Jin Chul Jung
Members : Sung Cheol Kim, Young Ha Kim, Wan Young Kim, Woo Sik Kim, Young Woo Park, O Ok Park, Yong Kiel SUNG, Seung Soon Im, Won Jei Cho, In-Joo Chin, Yang Kyoo Han

Management Committee(or Operating Committee)
Chair : Man Jung Han
Vice Chair : Hoosung Lee

Secretary General : Kwang Ung Kim
Members : Yong Soo Kang, Jungahn Kim, Jinhwan Kim, Hee Woo Rhee, Kookheon Char

(06242) 서울시 강남구 강남대로 354 혜천빌딩 601호 상호명:(사)한국고분자학회
TEL:82-2-568-3860, 561-5203, 569-3860 FAX:82-2-553-6938 사업자번호:220-82-00411 대표자: 김교현
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Hyecheon Building(Room 601), #354, Gangnam-Daero, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul 06242, Korea

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