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European Polymer Congress 2009 (EPF 09)
작성자 관리자  |  작성일 2009-02-10   |   조회수 7912
The organizers of the European Polymer Congress 2009 would like to
remind you of the forthcoming EPF'09 taking place in July 12-17 2009, in
Graz, Austria.

The second circular is now available as pdf-file following the link
given below

The ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE is scheduled for 28th of February 2009

For detailed information, regular updates and registration please visit
the congress website:

Looking forward to seeing you in Graz!
Franz Stelzer
President of the EPF
(06242) 서울시 강남구 강남대로 354 혜천빌딩 601호 상호명:(사)한국고분자학회
TEL:82-2-568-3860, 561-5203, 569-3860 FAX:82-2-553-6938 사업자번호:220-82-00411 대표자: 김교현
E-mail:[email protected]
Hyecheon Building(Room 601), #354, Gangnam-Daero, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul 06242, Korea

Copyright(c) The Polymer Society of Korea. All right reserved.
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