Advanced Polymeric Material and Thechnology Symposium (APMT 2010)
January 24 - 27, 2010, Jeju Shilla Hotel, Jeju, KOREA
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the Advanced Polymeric Materials and Technology Symposium (APMT 2010), which will be held in Jeju, Korea from January 24 to 27, 2010. This symposium is a part of the scientific exchange activities of the Core University Program (supported by KOSEF and JSPS) between the Center for Advanced Functional Polymers of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and the International Research Center of Macromolecular Science of Tokyo Institute of Technology. This symposium will give you an opportunity to discuss recent progress in polymer technology and future perspectives on polymers as advanced materials.
Further, the symposium will give you a chance to have a heavenly experience in Jeju Island, Korea's largest island. Jeju is the premier tourist destination in Korea. Scenic beaches, waterfalls, cliffs and caves lie in harmony, and the mild weather makes Jeju an even more ideal tourist destination. We are looking forward to meeting you at Jeju.
Sung Chul Kim, Masa-aki Kakimoto