-기간: 2017년 8월30일~ 9월2일
-장소: 광주 GIST 오룡관
-홈페이지: http://kjf2017.org
1. Organic Transistors, Memories and Photovoltaics
2. Molecular Photonics
3. Organic EL Materials and Devices
4. Nonlinear Optical Materials and Devices
5. Electrochromic Materials and Devices
6. Fabrication and Characterization
7. Molecular Recognition
8. Sensors and Bioelectronics
9. Other Related Topics
-초록등록 홈페이지: http://kjf2017.org/Abstractsubmission.php
-초록 제출 및 마감: 2017년 5월 1~30일